10 books about pregnancy that expectant moms should read

Are you a future mom? Looking for the best pregnancy books online? Well, you’ve come across the right place. You don’t need to go out or get confused by numerous pregnancy books in a store – we have selected the best for you! These books will give you a vivid guide to pregnancy and enhance the happy excitement of motherhood.

Best pregnancy books to choose from:

The body of the pregnant woman:

This book is a detailed guide to the entire process of pregnancy. It starts with evolution and goes through the physiology of both the reproductive system of men and women. It informs you about DNA, genes, and the mysteries of heredity. You will know how your baby develops from the fetus and how it grows gradually. You will also know how your body adapts to change. With perfect artwork and illustrations, you can feel every part of your current situation, through pictorial and written descriptions.

Pregnant day by day:

This is a perfect guide for future mothers to know specifically the development of their baby, at each stage. It is one of the perfect pregnancy books to know the details of the day to day, of how your baby is growing in you!

Mayo Clinic: Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy:

This is one of the easiest pregnancy books to identify as it has 3 distinctive sections: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Newborn. The first part guides you through each week of pregnancy and informs you about the physical and psychological changes. The second part tells you about childbirth and tips for caring for it. The final part is about your newborn and how he gradually grows during infancy.

Pregnancy, childbirth and newborn: the complete guide:

This book not only gives you the mother and baby progression, but also describes the proper diet and exercises to follow. From medicated to natural childbirth, they write about things you should be tackling soon. These are important aspects that most books do not cover. The last part of the book deals with the post-pregnancy period, with guidelines ranging from breastfeeding to cleaning stools.

Belly Laughter: The Naked Truth About Pregnancy And Childbirth:

This book comes with a touch of humor to make your pregnancy and reading experience feel light. Communicates frankly and honestly about the trail and confusion of pregnancy. However, it does not have a structured pattern, so you might consider this a disadvantage.

The Pregnancy Countdown Book: Nine Months of Practical Advice, Helpful Hints, and Uncensored Truths:

This book covers the 280-day (average length of pregnancy) journey of pregnancy. It guides you through each milestone and informs you about the changes in your body. It contains great advice for both parents and is truthful on all levels. One of the highlights is that they emphasize the partners’ relationship and their path to parenthood.

Books about the mother of all pregnancies:

This connects you more like a friend, rather than a biology guide! It tells you the truth in an ingenious way and allows you to be successful on the journey. It also warns you about dos and don’ts, products to use and not to use, and other similar contexts.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting, Fourth Edition:

This book works when you can’t call your doctor or have someone take care of you. It gives you advice and tells you how to anticipate and overcome the challenges of pregnancy.

Ina May’s Birthing Guide:

This book is perfect for mothers who are going to have a natural birth and also for those who are afraid. It gives you details on why natural childbirth is so much better than any other way. Anguish and lessens your fears, just to motivate you to improve.

The feminine art of breastfeeding:

This book specifically guides you through the breastfeeding process. From sore breasts to pumping breast milk, you’ll have everything covered in this.

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