Your Ayurvedic Constitution – Are You Vata, Pitta or Kapha?

In Ayurveda there are three different types of constitution or doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The three doshas represent the combination of the five elements present in nature: air, space, earth, fire and water. These elements combine to create the three doshas. Knowing your dosha is very important because it can help you understand what is good for your body and mind. When your health is out of balance, you must choose the right remedies according to your constitution (or dosha).

It is quite rare for someone to embody the characteristics of only one dosha. Most of the people are the combination of two, even three doshas.

Here’s a little test you can do to find out which dosha is predominant in your body. Select the phrases that best describe you.

One type

o Small-boned, slim build, does not gain weight easily

o Joints and veins are prominent

o The skin is quite dry, cold and rough

o Hair is dry and rough

or broken nails

o The eyes are small and active.

o Lips are dry, discolored, and thin

o Has little strength and tires easily

o Appetite is variable, sometimes you can be very hungry

o Very physically active

o The bowel movements are irregular, the stools are hard and dry

o The mind is very active and restless

o Has a tendency to be fearful and anxious when under stress

o Recent memory is good but long-term memory is poor

or is a light sleeper

o Tendency to cold hands and feet, light perspiration

o Dreams are fearful and full of movement (falling and flying)

Type B

or medium complexion

o Normal body weight, may be athletic and muscular

o The skin is oily, reddish and sensitive, warm

o Hair is fine and oily, tendency to baldness or premature graying

o Medium, penetrating eyes sensitive to light

o Lips are medium in size and soft

o Nails are soft and flexible.

or medium resistance

o Appetite is quite strong, tends to get irritable if you miss a meal or cannot eat when hungry

o Enjoy physical activity, especially if it is competitive

o Bowel movements are regular, oily, soft and loose

o The mind is sharp and focused

o Tendency to irritability, anger and frustration in stressful situations

o Has an excellent memory

o Usually sleeps well

o Has good circulation and perspires frequently

o Dreams are passionate, sometimes fulfilled with anger and violence.

o Tendency to aggression, arterial hypertension, inflammatory processes


o The constitution is thick and robust, larger bone structure

o Often overweight

o Skin is thick and cold skin, acne prone

o Hair is strong, thick, oily, shiny

o The eyes are round, large and prominent

o Lips are full, wide and soft

o Nails are strong and thick

o Strong with good resistance

o Not very active, sometimes lazy even lethargic

o Slow bowel movements, with thick, heavy, and oily stools

o The mind is slow and calm

o Tends to avoid situations that are difficult

o Has a slow but sustained memory

o Has a deep and heavy sleep

o Perspiration is moderate

o Dreams are peaceful, calm, full of water.

o Has a tendency to respiratory and lymphatic congestion, water retention, acne

If you selected mainly A, you are Vata. Vatas are quick-thinking and creative types, the artistic types. They are dominated by the air, so they need a routine in their life to control their energy. They should avoid cold, dry, raw or frozen foods and to achieve balance they need to eat hot foods (to help their digestion). They should also avoid cold weather. When they are out of balance, emotionally they tend to be fearful, insecure, anxious (they even suffer from mental problems) while physically they can suffer from digestive problems, constipation and excess gas. Its main organ is the colon.

If you selected mainly B, you are Pitta. Pittas have a strong will and determination. Their dominant element is fire, so they tend to be hot and fiery. When it is out of balance, it can present inflammations (alterations of -itis such as gastritis, otitis, laryngitis, etc.), skin eruptions, fever and ulcers, and a certain tendency to aggressive outbursts. Its main organs are the small intestine and the stomach. They should avoid excessive heat and steam to cool them down. They should also avoid all foods that are greasy or that can cause irritation of some kind (such as caffeine, hot spices, salt). Expressing emotions should be very important to Pittas.

If you selected primarily C, you are Kapha. Kaphas have good strength and stamina. They are dominated by the land. They have a certain tendency to routine so they should try to break it periodically. They tend to get attached to things and people. Financial and emotional security is very important to Kaphas (quite materialistic types). Mucus production is quite typical of Kapha, so they tend to be stuffy, sinus and sluggish. Its main body part is the chest. When they are out of balance they suffer from obesity, diabetes and water retention. To be in balance Kaphas you should try to be more physically active, avoid heavy and fatty foods, large amounts of sugar and bread. They must engage in more exciting and challenging activities to avoid their sluggishness.

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