Why you should STOP rededicating your life to Christ

Continuing our series on Christian Lies, today we address Christian Religion Lie #7: “You must rededicate your life to Christ.”

Is “rededication taught in the Bible for New Testament Christians?”

Should you follow the herd and do it like all the other Christians?

Read today’s article and find out!

I can’t count how many times I went to church as a child and responded to the Preacher’s call to “re-dedicate my life to Christ.”

And boy was I honest!

Every time he thought he’d be able to do it “if I tried hard enough”…if he was determined enough…he gritted his teeth hard enough.

It has been said that the definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”…

IF that’s true, then I was definitely a crazy Christian for MUCH of my early life.

But that is what happens when we try to live the Christian life by our own efforts. We failed. And again.

It’s funny, my copy of Steve McVey’s “Grace Amazing” was sitting on the couch open to a page that made this very point and said…

“God won’t let you succeed”…

You see, you have to reach a breaking point, a point where YOUR effort… YOUR effort and YOUR performance are no longer working to live the godly lifestyle, before you can begin to rest in the sufficiency of Christ. ..

(I called this point “Hitting Bottom” in my book, Christ Through Me.)

What an amazing creator!

He literally GIVES us salvation, a gift, invites us to be partakers of his divine life… and literally LIVES the Christian life for us after salvation. Most Christians would agree with me that salvation is not by works but a free gift from God. But they have a hard time understanding that the Christian life should be lived in the same way.

Paul wrote to the Galatians about this (Galatians 3, the message, emphasis mine)…

“Crazy Galatians! Has someone put a hex on them? Have they gone crazy? Something crazy has happened, because it’s obvious that they no longer have the crucified Jesus in the clear focus of their lives. His sacrifice on the cross was certainly put in front of them.” of you clearly enough.

2-4 Let me ask you this question: How did your new life begin? Was she working hard to please God? Or was he responding to God’s Message to you? Are you going to continue with this madness? Because only the insane would think that they can complete with their own efforts what God started. If you weren’t smart enough or strong enough to start it, how do you think you could perfect it? Did you go through this painful learning process for nothing? It’s not a total loss yet, but it certainly will be if you keep it up!

5-6 Answer this question: Does the God who generously provides you with his own presence, his Holy Spirit, working things in your life that you could never do on your own, does these things because of your hard moral effort or because you trust him? to make them in you? Do not these things happen among you as they happened to Abraham? He believed in God, and that act of faith turned into a life that was right with God.

7-8 Is it not evident to you that people who put their trust in Christ (not people who put their trust in the law!) are like Abraham: children of faith? It was all established beforehand in the Scriptures that God would settle things with non-Jews by faith. The Scripture anticipated it in the promise to Abraham: “All nations will be blessed in you.”

9-10 So those who now live by faith are blessed along with Abraham, who lived by faith; This is not a new doctrine! And that means that anyone who tries to live by his own efforts, independent of God, is doomed to fail. The Scriptures back this up: “Cursed be any person who does not comply with all the details written in the Book of the Law.”

I don’t think I would have said it better myself 🙂

So it is not by rededicating OUR power and OUR life to God that we live the great Christian life…

It’s just trusting God, by faith, to live it out through us!

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