Why Jobs are Good for Teens

What do Bill Gates (Microsoft CEO), Michael Dell (Dell Computers), Russell Simmons (Founder of Def Jam Records and Phat Farm Clothing) have in common? They all had jobs when they were teenagers. Some of the most successful people in the world got ahead before they were adults. They discovered early on exactly what it takes to be successful in the real world. Skills learned in adolescence were the foundation for future successes.

Getting a job while still a teenager can very well be one of the most important events in the life of any young person and is an important step between adolescence and adulthood. Teens who get jobs are affected in many positive ways. Getting a job will allow them to:

Earn money for expenses that will help you develop a greater appreciation for the value of money.

Learn social skills and respect for leadership, authority, and property.

Develop a sense of responsibility and independence.

Develop self-discipline and self-esteem.

Develop job-related skills.

All of this will prepare you for the real world. Consider this. Those who have jobs in their teens not only have fewer unemployment after graduation, but they also find better jobs. They learn at an early age exactly what it takes not only to get a job, but also to keep it. Independent teens grow into independent adults.

You have skills and talents that would be valuable to the right employer. The challenge is finding the right employer. The right skills and attitude will get you a job!

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