White Sun – The Heavenly Mantra

In the past, The Wordless Sutra was passed down from heart to heart and from patriarch to patriarch. It comprised five words, and because it cannot be pronounced, it is known as The Wordless Sutra. The term “wordless” also told us that this teaching is subtle and words are insufficient to explain its mystical essence and it is not something you can find in any religious text.

The Wordless Sutra is also known as The Heavenly Mantra. When we practice The Wordless Sutra, our hearts will be in resonance with the divine energy of all the previous saints and sages. This divine energy will help in cleansing our hearts and minds. It helps balance our emotions and thoughts. We can use this mantra to balance our heart when we feel depressed, upset, nervous, scared and frustrated or in moments of emergency between life and death. Constant mantra practice would give us a calm and peaceful heart and can bring out our wisdom and compassion.

The Heavenly Mantra represents three distinct realms in the universe, namely the absolute realm (Void or Heavenly World), the relative realm (The Spirit World), and the physical realm (Earth). Basically, the universe can be divided into the three realms as follows:

1]The Absolute Kingdom (Wu Ji): It is the Celestial World, the Void or motionless and immutable. It is the origin of all life and cannot be destroyed. It is the realm of God, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Immortals and Saints.

2]The Relative Realm (Tai Ji): It is the Spiritual World and the active state of Tao. It gives rise to ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ elements. The interaction of the ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ elements is the basis of creations and can be destroyed. It is the realm of the deities and this state is a state of cyclical changes.

3]The Physical Realm (Fo Ji): This is the Earth and includes all physical entities that are created by the interaction of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’. This dimension is impermanent and constantly changing and things are created and destroyed at all times.

The three realms also explain our very existence and represent:

1]our true nature – the essence within us that is absolute and imperishable.

2]our heart and mind – a state of constant change. It changes according to the conditions of the environment that surrounds us.

3]our body – this is the physical entity that is subject to birth, existence, deterioration and destruction.

The three kingdoms of the universe also exist within ourselves and this is the reason why the human being is considered as a model of the entire universe. Buddha once said: “I am the universe and the universe is me.”

The first, second and third words of The Heavenly Mantra represent the first, second and third realms respectively. The fourth and fifth word when combined together is the name of Maitreya Buddha or Mi-Le Buddha in Chinese. Maitreya in Sanskrit means alleviating the suffering of others and giving compassion and joy to others. The Heavenly Mantra is the second Heavenly Treasure and is the secret of Heaven. It cannot be revealed openly, except during the transmission of the Tao, where the Three Heavenly Treasures will be given to the recipient, who must kneel before God.

In short, the first word represents God, the Truth or the Void, the source and essence of the universe. The second word represents the Yin-Yang energies, which are the driving forces behind all the evolution of the world. The third word represents Buddha, the fourth word represents the immensity of the Tao, and the fifth word represents the rescue of all beings, having an affinity back to Heaven.

This is the saying of Heaven: “The Tao of Heaven is available to all for the first time since the beginning of this cycle of Heaven and Earth. To find this rare event in thousands of years is truly a mystical blessing. The Tao of Heaven brings salvation. to the kind and good of this world, to the deities above, and to the souls of the departed below. Convey the mystical and wondrous secret of Heaven at this last moment. Through Tao initiation, one opens the golden lock and the indestructibility of the True Self emerges.”

Author: T. A. Chew

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