What Steve Jobs did for the computer industry

Steve Jobs had been an icon in the computing universe long before we knew about him due to the fame of his iPhone terminal. Although the iPhone and iPod are his most famous and widely enjoyed innovations based on retail sales, he was already making an impact on the computer industry since his college days.

The beginning

Jobs dropped out of college. His fascination with computers inspired him to rethink the way these machines worked and how they could be used not only by large companies or government institutions, but by the rest of us.

So, as Jobs’s story goes, the first Apple computer was built in 1976. It was followed by the Apple II, then the Macintosh in 1984. It provided what would become the blueprint for all personal computers to be built in the next 20 years. .

Many more technological innovations followed: a music player (iPod), a smartphone (iPhone), and a completely new version of the tablet (iPad). More and more people were attracted to Apple products due to the successful marketing strategy that was attributed to Jobs himself. It was said that Jobs never released a product unless it worked perfectly according to his design.

The genius

Critics and fans alike believed that Jobs’ genius lay in his creativity and his ability to combine existing technology into a packaged product that appealed to the most consumers. He had a great eye for function and a great mind for developing the most attractive and intuitive forms. For example, although Jobs did not invent the mouse or the graphical user interface, he was the one who saw the consumer potential of these devices and applied them for use on his own computers. The designer look of his products has spawned a host of imitators, with even competitors redesigning their product lines so they could market them as Apple-like.

Although Apple’s shape and design appealed to many Apple consumers, Jobs had the functional aspect at the forefront of his products. Jobs claimed that the iPod was a software product that came in a box. His intention was to make simple solutions for everyday people to enjoy technology. He saw early on that computers shouldn’t be limited to serious stuff and should be available to the rest of humanity.

The world

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine how you can get through a normal day without using a computing device. We use computers in many personal ways: entertainment, music, movies, literature, communication, and daily planning.

Steve Jobs revolutionized the computer industry in more ways than one. He changed the game with every product he released. He changed the way music is bought, copied and shared. He changed the way we use computers, from cables, keyboards, and joysticks, to human gestures and direct contact. Phones aren’t just for communication anymore; They are also for playing. The development of iCloud is sure to change the way we store, transport, and access our files in a major way.

Today, more and more people are buying Apple’s attractive line of products. Unfortunately, with this increased popularity in the mass market, the attractiveness of Apple devices to malware designers and hackers also increases. Although Internet security hasn’t been a big problem for Apple users in the past, it’s something worth looking into these days.

It would have been interesting to see what Jobs would have done to respond to this problem. It is unfortunate that now, we will never know.

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