What should I eat during my ovulation days to get pregnant with a boy or a girl? I’ll tell you

The other day, I received an email from a woman who was trying to get pregnant and was looking at some things that she was going to try to be successful with it. Mainly, she was working on timing intercourse to coincide with ovulation. But she had also heard that certain foods can help or hurt the process and can sometimes affect the gender of the baby. She was looking for more details on which foods help with pregnancy and are best for each gender. I will share some of the tips I gave you in the following article.

Foods to help you get pregnant: I have to tell you that most of the time I write about this topic, I focus on the foods and the goods they help produce (which I’ll get to later), but I can tell you that, in general, women who have fertility or health problems (such as PCOS) are told to focus on making sure they are not insulin resistant when trying to conceive. The recommendations are things like getting fats from monosaturated sources like olive oil instead of processed trans fats and eating more fruits and vegetables and less animal protein. You are supposed to stay away from processed and convenience foods and use dairy sparingly. Of course, this advice is for people who know they have ovulation and/or fertility issues or for those who don’t care what gender they end up with. Now, I’m going to talk about foods that can help if you know if you want a boy or a girl baby.

Foods that help you get pregnant with a girl: If you want a girl, then you want your body to be high PH (or acidic) because this state is not so friendly to male or Y sperm. There are certain foods that help with this and others that prevent you from reaching this goal. You go for the high PH foods here, but you’ll only need to do this until the little PH testers show you’ve reached optimal levels. Of course, each month that you’re not pregnant, you’ll want to continue to monitor, and then adjust your diet as needed to increase it again if necessary.

However, in general, it is recommended to eat plenty of low-fat dairy products that are high in calcium and lean protein. Both are high in AP. You’ll also want to include fruits and vegetables to ensure you’re getting enough nutrients, but these have to be acidic fruits and vegetables. (Most fruits and vegetables are alkaline, so you’ll have to tread carefully here.) Some examples are corn, watermelon, potatoes and blueberries, plums, etc. This is only a general guide. There are food lists that are quite exhaustive and I really recommend using the PH strips after consuming foods that you are unsure about because this will tell you exactly how these foods are metabolized in your body.

Foods that will make you more likely to conceive a baby boy: So if a boy is your goal, then you’ll want to go the opposite way. You are trying to go alkaline and want a low PH instead of a high one. This is a very necessary step because as I mentioned before, a high PH will deteriorate Y or boy producing sperm much faster. So, at least for a while, you’ll want to avoid that dairy and meat protein that I told you was good for getting pregnant with a girl. The focus of conceiving a child is more oriented towards fruits and vegetables, except those that are acidic (corn, blueberries, plums and the examples mentioned above).

They often tell you to eat bananas. This is because it is said that potassium is needed to have a child. (Magnesium doesn’t hurt either.) The truth is, you also need sodium with these things and bananas are not that high in this. So there are better options, like apricots and raisins, to name just a few. Again, there are food lists that tell you which ones are best for getting pregnant with a girl or a boy.

Are these foods only for around the time of ovulation?: The person who wrote to me asked the question in terms of around ovulation. In truth, you want to be trying to get pregnant before ovulation if you want a daughter and on the same day or after if you want a boy. And you really don’t want to wait until you get close to ovulation to start worrying about her PH. Depending on how high or low you are or where you want to be, you’ll want to give yourself enough time to diet or shower so you don’t have to rush (or settle for less than optimal levels) when the time comes. arrives.

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