Weight loss and diet: I lost 60 pounds and kept it off for 3 years

Most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight. Your story is probably very similar to mine. I tried every diet out there, took every appetite suppressant known to man, and bought every new weight loss gadget and gadget on the market. Just to lose 5 or 10 pounds, then gain 15 or 20 pounds each time. I’ve been up and down the ladder more times than I can count.

A little over three years ago, I hit 215 pounds and had a number of obesity-related issues. I had to do something. I was tired and sick all the time. I was out of breath doing the smallest things. Everything was a struggle, doing housework or playing with the children sometimes seemed impossible. She had to lose weight and she had to keep it off this time. I had come to the… where my life depended on it.

I started researching nutrition and healthy weight loss. After a couple of tries, I came up with a plan that I could follow and it really worked. I lost a total of 65 pounds. It took me almost 8 months to lose the weight and I have kept it off for 2 years.

Below are the simple guidelines that I followed to lose weight and if you follow the plan that I have laid out, you too can lose all the weight that you need to lose.

First there are a couple of things we need to go over.

You have to keep in mind that you are NOT on a diet! This has to be a lifestyle change. You have to change your way of eating and thinking. You have to eat to live, not live to eat. I do not count calories or limit myself from any food. The more you tell yourself that you can’t eat a certain type of food, the more likely you are setting yourself up for failure.


I had to rediscover what a correct portion is. I’ll give you an idea of ​​what the correct serving size is. First, I suggest you invest in a good food scale, measuring cups and spoons. As a nation, we have lost track of what a sensible portion size is supposed to be. For example, in the 1980s, the average size of fast food soda was about 12 oz. today it’s a whopping 32 oz. The average portion in most restaurants today is enough to feed at least 2 people.

Use everyday items to recognize what really is a sensible portion.

A 3 oz piece of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. A large bagel is about the size of a DVD. A small side dish, like coleslaw, is about the size of a computer mouse. A cup of rice the size of a tennis ball. And a regular sized baked potato the size of a light bulb. Knowing the correct serving size is very important. Be sure to check the package for the correct serving size and if it says a cup of spaghetti is 1 serving, make sure you serve yourself 1 cup and not 2 or 3 cups. As you learn the correct portions, it will be easier to judge. And remember those ever-important scales and measuring utensils.


Snack time plays a very important role in losing weight in a healthy way. I’m not talking about devouring a bag of chips or half a pizza. Choose healthy snacks. Like nonfat milk and cheeses, fruits and vegetables, nonfat popcorn, a cup of vegetable soup, etc. There are many options, try to make wise decisions. If you have a snack in the middle of the day, it will prevent you from getting overwhelmed or rumbling in your stomach.


I always had trouble eating breakfast and by the time lunch came I felt like I was starving. I would eat until I felt miserable. It is not healthy to skip meals, food is the fuel to keep your body strong. You need to eat to keep your metabolism in check. Just like your car, if you don’t have fuel, you won’t be able to go anywhere. Keep your body fueled and ready to go.


Your body sends you signals when you are hungry and when you are full. You have to recognize them and respond to them. By learning your cues, you’ll begin to know exactly when it’s time to eat and when to stop. When your stomach is empty, you may experience a feeling of emptiness. If you don’t eat, you may feel dizzy or a little nauseated. Your energy levels will drop and you may start to have trouble concentrating. When you have eaten the right amount, you will feel your hunger pangs disappear. Your stomach will feel satisfied and content. And you won’t feel like eating anymore. However, if you overeat, your stomach will feel full, bloated and uncomfortable, like it’s about to burst. To help you realize when you’re full, you need to stop, rest, and assess. I found that it helped me to use what I call the half meal deal. I’ll split my food in half. Eat the first half, stop, rest for a couple of minutes, and then decide if you really need or want the rest of the meal. In addition to not overeating, you also don’t want to be too hungry. That will only cause you to overeat. Remember, snack time!


Are you really hungry or upset, bored or just know that food tastes great? That was another one of my problems. I was an emotional eater, a boring eater, and I LOVE THE TASTE OF FOOD! Decide if you are hungry or if you need emotional satisfaction.


As with any addiction, you have to take things one day at a time. If you slip, it’s not the end of the world. Don’t punish yourself. It will happen from time to time. That is no reason to give up all the good you have done. Get back to normal as soon as possible. Stick to the plan and feel good about yourself and your successes. It doesn’t matter how small. And I’m not just talking about scale-related successes. Some wins are not related to the amount of weight you’ve lost. Some examples of wins without scale are. Losing inches, being able to fit into a pair of pants that don’t fit for a while, working out 3 times a week, giving up your favorite dessert, because you know you’re not hungry anymore. It can be as little as drinking a glass of water instead of cola. Or as little as giving yourself a well-deserved pat on the back.


Set goals, both short-term and long-term. Set daily, weekly, monthly and lifetime goals. Give yourself rewards for reaching your goals. No food rewards. We were all told that if you finish all your food you can have dessert. You need to free yourself from that mentality. Put your goals and rewards in writing. If you set a goal of losing 2 pounds in a week and you achieve it, treat yourself to an amazing new shade of nail polish or a new book by your favorite author. Rewards don’t have to be expensive. Just make your rewards something you’ll enjoy. If you enjoy scrap booking, visit your local craft store and reward yourself with a gift they’ll enjoy.

Now for my personal guidelines that have helped me achieve my goal of losing 65 pounds and keeping them off for the past 2 years. I am confident that I will be able to keep the weight off for the rest of my life by following these simple guidelines.


EAT AT LEAST 5 SERVINGS OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES EVERY DAY- Fruits and vegetables are full of fiber, water, vitamins and minerals. They add volume to your meal with few calories. If you weigh more than 350, increase the amount to 9 servings a day. A serving of fruit or vegetables is usually about ½ cup, with the exception of green leafy vegetables, which are usually 1 cup. Add vegetables to sauces, scrambled eggs, meatloaf, etc.

CHOOSE WHOLE GRAIN FOODS WHEN POSSIBLE. Try to make at least half of the grains you eat whole grains. Choose wheat, oatmeal or multigrain breads instead of white bread. brown rice over white rice and brown pasta instead of regular pasta. Whole grains are healthy because they are packed with nutrients, including fiber. Which we all know helps you feel more satisfied by adding bulk to your diet. I add a fiber supplement to my coffee in the morning and also add it to my spaghetti sauce and soups etc. anything it mixes well with. My favorite is BENEFIBER, it doesn’t have any flavor, which makes it easy to sneak it into the kids’ food.

INCLUDE AT LEAST 2 SERVINGS OF DAIRY EVERY DAY: If you are over 50, a teen, breastfeeding, or weigh more than 250 pounds. you need at least 3 servings each day. Dairy products provide your body with the protein, zinc, riboflavin, vitamin D, and calcium that it needs. Which may provide additional protection against colon cancer and high blood pressure. If you’re lactose intolerant, you still have plenty of options. Look for lactose-free or reduced products.

DRINKING WATER! AT LEAST 6-8 GLASSES A DAY – I cannot stress enough how important water is for healthy weight loss. You can count caffeine free and sugar free beverages like caffeine free teas, sugar free lemonade, Crystal Light is a great brand and very convenient. (SEE ARTICLE BELOW)

MAKE SURE YOU GET ENOUGH PROTEIN – Choose high-protein foods that are low in fat, such as lean meats, skinless poultry, fish, and eggs. You’ll feel more satisfied and eat less with one or two servings of protein a day.

LIMIT ADDED SUGAR AND ALCOHOL: Medical experts recommend no more than 1 alcoholic drink per day for women and 2 per day for men. It’s okay to have a couple of drinks now and then, but they’re full of empty calories. Same for sugary foods, so limit them to special nights.

TAKE A MULTIVITAMIN MINERAL SUPPLEMENT EVERY DAY – there are plenty to choose from. Most store brands are just as good as the expensive brands. Look for supplements that have no more than 100% of the recommended daily value. I recommend a prenatal vitamin. Ask your pharmacist for a recommendation.

KEEP A FOOD DIARY – For me, this is perhaps the most important step in staying focused and reaching your goals. When I started keeping a diary, I was really surprised by how much I was consuming in a single day. Be sure to write down each BLT (bite, lick, and taste). All those little flavors while you cook or the bites on your kids’ plates add up.

INCLUDE AT LEAST 30 MINUTES OF ACTIVITY EVERY DAY: walk, bike, do some gardening, go swimming, play hide-and-seek or kickball with the kids, do sit-ups during commercials, and sit-ups while doing the dishes, whatever whatever you can think about keep moving at the pace that suits you. If you don’t feel strong enough to walk 30 minutes at first, start with 3 10-minute walks throughout the day. I have found a couple of exercise programs that I love. I started with Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds and then moved on to The TransFirmer, it’s a great workout but when you start to see results it becomes addictive. I also do a lot of Yoga. I love yoga, it’s so relaxing and invigorating at the same time. Try a variety of exercises so you don’t get bored. There are lots of little tricks to add activity to your day. Park in the back of the parking lot, walk up the stairs, instead of walking around the house, dance around the house. Whatever works for you. Just keep moving. Stay motivated and stay focused!

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