Wedding and engagement rings

The common tradition in the United States is to exchange rings as a symbol of a couple’s love and commitment. This can be done during the engagement process or during a wedding ceremony. The price of rings can vary depending on the couple’s finances and style preferences, but the average engagement ring costs between $3,500 and $4,000. Other couples choose to adhere to the tradition of paying “two months’ salary” for the ring. However, the ring itself only symbolizes the relationship and the unfortunate reality is that many couples choose to dissolve their relationship after exchanging the rings. When this happens, the couple may have doubts about who the ring belongs to: the buyer or the recipient.

Each state treats this issue differently, so it is important to consult with an experienced attorney about your individual case. Divorces can often be complicated as the couple has to divide assets. To take some of the stress off your shoulders, you should hire an attorney to help you with this process. If you are considering divorce, contact a local attorney today to discuss your claim.

The following information may help clarify the subject of wedding/engagement rings:

  • Texas law follows the “conditional gift rule,” which means that the ring is a conditional gift given on the condition of a future marriage.
  • Because this contains an element of faith, the couple is responsible for proving who was at fault for ending the engagement to determine who should rightfully have the ring.
  • For marriages, the couple can sell the ring and simply split the assets equally.

Since you must prove the other spouse’s fault to keep the engagement ring, it is best to work with an attorney who has years of courtroom experience arguing such issues. That way, you can make sure that your case is presented in the best possible light and you can increase your chances of getting a favorable outcome in court.

If you are contemplating divorce or have any questions about family law in general, visit the website of the Houston divorce lawyers at Garg & Associates, PC today.

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