Ways to reduce stress

Whether we like it or not, stress is part of life and it is here to stay. You can’t hide or run from it, but you can certainly control it. Managing stress can help you take charge of your life and the way you deal with problems. This will make you a stronger person and give you a more satisfying life with plenty of time to work and play.

Start by identifying the sources of stress in your life. He does not just look at the environment in which he works and lives, but look deep within himself and see if he harbors thoughts, feelings and behaviors that cause him stress. You may be worried about work deadlines, but maybe your procrastination and not his work is the real cause of deadline stress.

If so, grab a pen and write down everything you have to do. Study it carefully, and then set a realistic time frame for the job to be completed. By breaking down your workload into manageable chunks, you’ll be more relaxed and easily accomplish what needs to be done. Then do one task at a time. Worrying about the things you haven’t accomplished will only make you more tense and prevent you from doing them. Make sure you prioritize your tasks: put more effort into important tasks and don’t waste time and energy on small things.

Learn to delegate things if you have too much work and you know you can’t handle the work. Know your limits and stick to them. Reject additional responsibilities when you’re already loaded. Stay away from people who cause you a lot of stress. Take charge of your environment. If you’re upset about the evening news, change the channel or don’t watch TV. If traffic makes you tense, take a longer but less stressful route.

There are many ways to manage and deal with stress, but they all require change. Therefore, your options are to change the situation or change your reaction. When fighting stress, nothing beats a relaxing soak in your own spa.

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