Vinegar and Heartburn Connection REVEALED

In this article, an expert nutritionist explains which vinegars people with heartburn should not eat and another type of vinegar that, in addition to being a worthwhile dietary supplement, actually works to significantly reduce your medical decline. The question then is, where does Vinegar fit into your heartburn eating plan? There are many vinegar options for Western consumers, but both doctors and paramedics are of the opinion that only one of them is appropriate for heartburn patients.

Heartburn can be defined as a burning sensation in the throat or chest region, often with a bitter or sour taste. Heartburn can indicate gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Severe cases of GERD can also manifest as trouble swallowing, asthma, weight loss, and hoarseness. Neglect of GERD can further degrade the deterioration to a state known as Barrett’s esophagus with the danger of esophageal cancer as well. Even if people who are fairly healthy may have occasional heartburn (but no more than once a week), chronic heartburn is a strong sign of GERD, or acid reflux, as it’s also known.

In a healthy body, a circular muscle allows food and drink to flow in one direction to the stomach, but closes to prevent them from flowing back in the opposite direction. It is when this muscle is weakened due to certain factors that are discussed later, that gastric juices can return to the esophagus (this is the definition of acid reflux), damaging the interior and causing heartburn. In medical terms, this circular muscle is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), and the food is gastroesophageal reflux disease. The LES is the valve or circle of muscle that closes the esophagus from the stomach.

The factors responsible for GERD may be direct agents that cause the condition, others that worsen a condition that already exists. There are major and minor factors that contribute to GERD, and there are also complex interconnections between them. These causal elements include:

Undue production of gastric acid. In many cases (often due to inherited characteristics), the human body can produce excess stomach acid that then overflows into the esophagus to eat away at the cells of the lining.

Excessive multiplication of Candida. In certain cases, Candida can prove to overgrow, flooding the immune system and generating more than 79 assorted toxins that can cause disturbances in the body in various ways, GERD being one of them. Candida is the single-cell fungus that is found in any case in the human body (mainly in the areas of the genitals and the intestinal tract) in quantities symbiotically controlled by the rest of the natural internal flora of the organism.

Furthermore, it is a known fact that certain foods are the main culprits along with white flour and sugar (and other such refined carbohydrates) in stimulating the overgrowth of Candida. These dangerous foods include most types of vinegar, including balsamic vinegar, wine vinegar, white vinegar, and malt vinegar. The reason is that all of these vinegars form acid when ingested and thus raise the acidity level of the intestines and blood. This then leads to acid reflux and increases its degree of severity.

However, the exception to this is organic apple cider vinegar. It can significantly reduce esophageal inflammation and keep Candida at the correct levels. It can also alkalize your digestive system (and it’s the only vinegar that can do that).

The only reliable way to prevent recurrence of heartburn is to address the internal factors that are fundamentally responsible for acid reflux. But it should be noted that there is no instant solution for heartburn itself because this ailment is caused by a combination of internal factors.

The only solution that can do that is a complete, all-natural, holistic program.

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