Top 7 Simple Yet Effective DIY Telescope Upgrades

The universe is simply infinite. And even the closest planetary and star systems are a tremendous distance away.

We just can’t get there for now. But then, at least we want to see it. Look.

But I’ve seen people complain “you can’t see much with a small telescope!”. And you might as well agree with that.

And you know what? They are correct! They can never see more than they try.

These so-called beginning astronomers get discouraged because they don’t get the results they expected.

Observing the sky is not like spying on your neighbors with binoculars. It’s not that fast!

A good sky watcher is also good at patience and can look through the eyepiece for hours.

To be very, very clear, improving telescope performance is not just about adjusting the scope. Of course that is part of it. But you also need to fine-tune yourself and your eyes.

So in this article today you will learn some tricks with telescopes. I have found this to be more effective. Here are the 8 easy DIY telescope upgrade tips that work.

So here are the few things that can help you not only optimize yourself but also your telescope. So you can see more and better:

1. Look for clear skies

There is no substitute for clear skies. In fact, it can indirectly add an extra inch to your opening.

Look skyward during the day for clues. There are clouds? When the sun is overhead, cover it with your hand and see if there is a light blue around it. At sunrise or sunset, make sure there are no clouds on the horizon.

2. Avoid light pollution

Pollution in no form is good for us. And when it comes to stargazing, the most dangerous is light pollution.

We normally observe the sky at night. The simple reason for this is that we need our environment to be as dark as possible. So you can explicitly see the light coming from that cute little distant object. But in our modern society, there is light pollution everywhere. So it will never be an ideal place. So what you have to do is go to a dark place.

And it should be with the least amount of artificial light (eg, streetlights, etc.). Going out of town is best when you want to see a faint or distant object.

3. New moon is good

It points to longer hours of observations, especially at new moon. Try to have at least two sessions per week.

4. Let your eyes take on the darkness

Understand your eyes. They are in habit to shine. So it will take some practice for your eyes to adjust to the dark. And your student to configure.

When you start observing in a dark environment. Make sure you don’t see the source directly (such as phone, light bulbs, etc.). It will disturb the adaptation. Use a red flash light if necessary and still don’t look directly into it. Your eyes can take up to half an hour to be at 100% capacity.

5. Keep watching it!

Did you know? There is a secret! To really notice the details. Just keep looking at the object constantly through the eyepiece. And as it progresses, the details begin to unlock. It can take an hour to enjoy the full view. Off course, the time varies with the distance to the object. And you can take small breaks while you watch. But just do not disturb the concentration of your pupil with bright things.

6. Thermally optimize range

Chances are when you set your telescope outside to begin observations, it will be warmer than the outside air.

What happens then is that the viewfinder radiates heat, which can cause display problems. So no matter how small your range is, it’s best to allow it to collimate at outside temperature.

For viewers up to 4 inches, it usually takes 20 minutes. And for visors longer than 4 inches, add an additional 10 minutes for each additional inch.

Typically, the reflector scope takes less time to process than the refractor.

7. Stabilize your telescope mount

Keep it strong! As you bring objects closer, the tiny vibrations your scope produces also get closer. It’s a big problem when you zoom high. You just won’t be able to see things at their best. They just won’t look clear! This is usually a big problem with cheap, lightweight telescopes.

So what you have to do is stabilize it. Hang something heavy (such as a backpack, water bottles, etc.) on the tripod. I hope you got the hint!

So get out there with your adorable visor. Follow all the tips that I mention below. Get the experience you never had before. And let me know, how much can you see now and if there is any improvement? Just comment below for anything you need!

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