Tips and tricks to prevent hangovers

How many times have you gone out with some friends after work or just went out for drinks and then woke up the next day feeling run over by a train? You’re late, your head hurts, and you feel drained of all your energy. Here’s how to have fun and not wake up hungover;

How would you like not to wake up with a hangover, after a night out on the town? When you know what to drink, you can’t always be sure how much. Therefore, you should always try to have your own hangover prevention kit in your car or bag, as well as keeping the following in mind:

While drinking:

Always mix your alcohol with juice instead of fizzy drinks, as your body can use the vitamins. If you are a wine drinker, mix your wine with soda to make a spritzer.

Drink with gusto. Expensive liquors have been filtered more and therefore have fewer impurities and toxins, making the hangover less severe.

Remember to wash your hands as often as possible, as alcohol weakens your immune system and increases your chances of infection, as well as prolonging your recovery time.

Drink clear spirits like vodka or gin, as they also have fewer toxins than darker spirits.

Reduce your smoking habit, or better yet, quit smoking! Studies have shown that the more you smoke, the worse your hangover will be.

Stay away from bubbles. Champagne speeds up the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream, making you drunk faster, causing those killer hangovers accompanied by those intense headaches.

Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink.

After drinking – going to bed:

Don’t flood your body by drinking too much water before bed. It puts more pressure on your bladder and you can’t get a good night’s rest if you constantly have to get up to go to the bathroom. Rather, limit your water intake to a couple of glasses, at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Remember to leave a glass of water next to your bed to treat your dry mouth in the morning.

It is always a good idea to take a multivitamin, lots of vitamin C before bed. Keep a pain reliever next to the water, in an emergency.

Do not drink pain relievers that contain acetaminophen, as this can cause serious liver and kidney damage. An anti-inflammatory can help, as it will attack the inflammation caused by alcohol.

Get a good night’s sleep making sure the room is dark enough, without interruptions. A restless night can make a hangover worse. Rest helps improve your body’s immunity.

The next morning:

Drink sparkling water in the morning, it helps speed up the metabolism of alcohol in your body.

Avoid herbal teas which will slow down the process of alcohol metabolism in your body, making the hanger last longer.

Eat a poached egg or omelette instead of greasy bacon, because the cysteine ​​in eggs helps break down the toxins that cause headaches that occur when your body is still in the process of digesting alcohol.

Have a large glass of fresh orange juice.

Always be sure to carry these items in your purse or store them in your car:

Multivitamins, your body can use antioxidants. Take them before you go out.

Any capsule containing milk thistle. Take them before and after you go out to help with heartburn and to help your liver expel and digest toxins.

Sleeping mask

Extra toothbrush

Skinny Green Coffee Drink is always a life saver, it will help boost your metabolism, it is packed with antioxidants and it gives you that extra boost of energy when you need it.

Never drink and drive!

Stay with a friend or book a nearby accommodation. If you need to go home, hire a taxi.

Have fun, stay safe, and the answer is, don’t drink to excess!

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