The Trump Transfer: Blame Others For Your Sins!: 5 Examples

Psychologists generally define transference as the redirection of one’s personal feelings (and / or how one feels about something, and how one might proceed), to others. When used in therapy, this is usually done when one blames the therapist for a wide variety of sins, etc. Generally this is often related to someone’s anger / distress etc, and / or other hostile feelings / emotions. Experts in this field believe that when one is unwilling and / or does not recognize this, it can often result in using, blaming others, as a kind of defense mechanism, etc. How many times have we observed, President Trump, tag others, and blaming them, for a variety of behaviors, appears to be guilty – of? With that in mind, this article will try, briefly, to consider, examine, review and discuss, 5 examples of its use, what it looks like, this behavior.

1. Call someone corrupt / criminal etc: For someone who has been accused, and there seems to be a great deal of evidence, has committed certain irregularities, etc., he often lashes out at some political opponent, labeling the individual as corrupt, criminal, etc. How can someone, so easily, consider another person, in this way, when that individual seems to have been a participant in so many legally, morally and ethically questionable acts?

two. Bad / unpleasant: This president seems lash, against his opponents, and has often labeled female opponents as bad and / or unpleasant, etc. Is this, some, mother. political tactic, or is it your inner feelings towards powerful women? When he ran for office and was elected in 2016, he called out his opponent, Hillary Clinton, for a series of derogatory terms! When now-vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris questioned Brett Kavanaugh, when she appeared in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and she did so, asking challenging questions that the nominee appeared to be struggling with, Trump referred to her as bad. He has often called powerful women, Unpleasantetc, including her nickname for Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. And several more! Are you sexist, threatened by women, or just someone calling your name?

3. You liar: Isn’t it funny, the individual, political fact – verifiers, status, has lied, etc., at a faster, higher rate, than any public figure, in recent memory, often calls anyone a liar, with different points of view. view and perspectives? He seems to enjoy calling the statements of others, false facts, when he appears to be, the largest user of misstatements, etc.

Four. Blaming others: Although, true leaders take personal responsibility, for whatever happens, under his watchDonald Trump has yet to take some degree of responsibility, for anything! Instead, he generally resorts to blaming others, liars, culprits, etc., including: the media; Democrats; train the members of its administration; and / or, those he knew, in other ways!

5. Management of the economy: Before the pandemic, when the US economy seemed to be doing well (as it had for the 6 years before I took office). He often bragged about how he alone could have strengthened the job market and stock market performance! However, this, smoke and mirrors, actually, it made it seem stronger and more sustainable than it was. Whenever something went wrong, Trump resorted to blaming and complaining about others.

Wake up America and don’t be fooled again! Let’s hold Trump accountable for his actions and failures!

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