The rational person and his greatest virtue

When you think about what is rational in life, do you think about it in a genuinely happy and romantic way? I didn’t say “perfect” but I did say genuinely happy and romantic. In fact, with that, I begin this message. When we think of rationality, we think of the most boring and “realistic” things, not the happy, romantic, and realistically good things, which are the real rational things in life. Now that we’ve established that, let’s explore what I consider to be the greatest virtue in life and existence: happiness is that virtue, and nothing else in my opinion and reality. Happiness is what makes life count as genuine life and not as a mere existence. I didn’t say perfection, but happiness.

Happiness is simple, perfection is “complicated”, because perfection is the idea that you can only strive for but never achieve. Happiness is simply when you achieve it, create it and make it for yourself from within yourself, and work it out as cause and effect.

Although, in the title, I use rational person and his greatest virtue in the third person, I include myself in the first person in that mix of rational people with their greatest virtue, which in my reality is happiness. As a virtue, happiness is the best value there is. But then, if it were not a value, it would not be a virtue. In fact, to be happy is to win, to be sad is to genuinely lose at an epistemological or deep level.

When I come up with articles, I come up with what I really think helps me at the deepest level and then helps others, what values ​​would make me happy, then what values ​​would make others happy and the like. In fact, I don’t ask, what is a value? I say that value is happiness through my honestly rational thought processes and logical actions on what I really know about that value as a genuine and honestly healthy process. Even in my mind, I don’t play games, I don’t mince words, I do what really always works. Without exceptions.

In my way of thinking, I know I’m not perfect, but I always do my best to stay within my integrity, honesty, and reality. I don’t even strive for perfection. I work right. I work with workability. I go for the genuine best and not for “perfection”. So, in my case, perfection is what works for the situation in all the genuine ways, senses, and meanings.

Sure, my outlook on life is genuinely romantic, so let’s break down the dictionary meaning of romance with the best dictionary definition: “tendency for the wonderful and mysterious” might fit better, but no, I’ll go even further with mine. definition added to this basic one from The New Webster Dictionary: enhance the wonderful and discover fully and reasonably the meaning of the mysterious and give it ever more depth and clarity. Better? In fact, I know it’s a genuinely better definition. What is real romance but fully integrated beauty anyway? Nothing more.

So, to my way of thinking, all I do is give romance its older but newer and more meaningful definition of terms. But I know, I put it in its own perspective. Looking at the facts in an integrated way always gives and makes better and broader points of view on a subject. Abstract thinking is looking at all facets, not unique and completely unique and building correct conclusions that fully work. Genuine abstract thinking also fully involves the linear aspects of logic, as well as the abstract. It is a whole, not just the sum of its parts. In fact, genuine abstract thought is not an opiate or a drug, it is a necessary and desired fact of life for genuine progress in every way.

So, I say without reservation, the deepest and most beautiful emotions have a logical basis. The most superficial anger has an emotional and irrational basis. Think about that statement. it’s reality. Think superficial bigotry or even emotionally based “hate crimes.” On the other hand, think of some of the more rational feats of art and engineering out there, like a classical symphony, Starry Night, Hoover Dam, or The Empire State Building. My point is that reality is as reality does. And this is reality, reality is a state of being, not something perfect, just a state of being, whatever it is, good or bad, self-made, period.

There are no schematics that genuinely escape reality or any other reality that works in any way. Reality is what it is, and it’s logical, honest, and all there is. Living for what it is and using the medium well is the highest virtue. Doing what is genuinely wrong is the supreme vice. Rational life is where it is. So through this article, you will know where it is not.

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