The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength.

Last year I had the privilege of hearing Marianne Wiliamson speak for two hours at a conference in Los Angeles, The Freedom Formula Experience, organized by Christine Kloser, Marianne was one of the guest presenters along with Neale Donald Walsch, James Twyman, David Neagle and of course, Christina. It was a phenomenal experience that brought me to tears repeatedly.

Marianne Williamson is seen as one of the most “plugged in” spiritual leaders in the world today in bringing the voice of God to the world. When she speaks, much of what she says makes reference to the Course in Miracles, a three-volume syllabus; a comprehensive self-teaching spiritual thought system that teaches about universal love, peace, and forgiveness. I personally have not taken this course and feel that I might add this program to my spiritual practices in the near future.

As he spoke, he reminded us that the Universal Laws that govern creation are unalterable fundamental truths that sustain our inner existence, just as the Law of Gravity is a truth that governs our outer world. Aligning with the Universal Principles in thought, word and deed empowers us to flow in co-creation with the Divine vision for our lives.

Two of the principles he talked about in the Course are:

1. The presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength

2. Beware of self-initiated plans

What do they mean?

Let’s take number one about fear, which is something we can all relate to as a powerful energy that can be a catalyst for change or a barrier to experiencing the fullness of life that we came here to live.

In a recent conversation with some close colleagues, we talked about when we are in the grip of fear and our inner thoughts run rampant with worst-case scenarios that we have disconnected from God/Source/Higher Power and are running full speed into illusions of our mind.

When we are connected to our “essence, our eternal nature” we have faith and trust that all is well and our point of view is one of peaceful expectation that all our needs are met and our job is to listen and follow the guidance of the Source within. .

When fear strikes, it is a signal to stop, take a breath, pause, be present, and go within for guidance and inspiration. Taking this simple and powerful step invites you to be present in the reality that all is well right now and that your imaginations do not match “you are HERE and NOW” unless you are truly in danger! All other thoughts are pure fabrication.

In the illusion of fear, we can disconnect from the support and power of the Universe to partner with us in creating “what’s next” and resolve any circumstance that arises in the service of our growth and evolution. In fear we ask: “What should I do?” i.e. “How do I get rid of this or make it stop,” rather than “Who am I called to be right now? What’s my thing to do?” and openness to growth and learning that comes from experience as a gift and blessing for our evolution. In fear, we resist, instead of embracing.

It takes practice and commitment to hear the call and the voice of God speaking through your soul. It takes courage to go the distance of walking through the experience to reach the gift from the other side that is calling you forward.

My dear friend Kimberly Maroney says, “The Universe runs the 80% and our job is to run the other 20%. That means showing up and taking 100% responsibility for our 20% share of the co-creation.”

When we go looking for our own ideas to solve problems without including the guidance of the spirit, we are relying on our own will and strength to solve it. That’s like pointing the finger at the big guy or the girl and saying “No thanks, I’ll do it myself!”

Are you?

If you said yes, how does that work for you?

Point two: beware of self-initiated plans. Your vision of your life, as fabulous as it may seem, pales in comparison to the vision in God’s mind. You can be very successful financially, or whatever your definition of success is, and still feel like something is missing; a dissatisfaction, an emptiness, a frustration that seems to suggest that there is something out of place… And you can feel a longing, a longing for that something that is missing.

I believe that longing is communion with God; to fulfill your purpose of being here in a physical body in alignment with God’s vision for your life. Our most fundamental reason for being is to “love and be loved”: to be the embodiment of divine love in who we are and what we do. To be loved”.

When we start each New Year, we normally think about where we are, what we want and create a vision to motivate us to action, right? We can then write our goals, create a vision board, write affirmations, visualize the outcome we want, and move forward with the intentions of what we imagine is already ours using accountability, methods to track progress, etc. Sounds familiar?

Marianne spoke about how each of us came here with a unique blueprint encoded within us to fulfill our life experiences. Things we wished to experience for the purpose of our own evolution, to serve the world to evolve and expand Creation.

So let’s say you’re having some success with action plans, but not to the level of success you want or you keep hitting roadblocks and can’t seem to gain momentum. You seem to be doing everything right and things just don’t seem to flow the way you want. You might even feel stuck, confused, frustrated, disappointed and maybe angry with yourself, with God, with others…

What if his plan was not God’s plan?

What if the job you assigned yourself was not the job God had for you?

What if the plan you created was motivated by fear instead of inspired by the mind of God?

In the last few days I have been getting strong internal urges to do more meditation and look at my priorities. I have realized that I have been integrating my spiritual practices into the daily activities of my business, instead of making my spirituality the most important commitment of my life. I have allowed my business and other distractions to take precious time away from cultivating my relationship with my soul and Source. I have not aligned myself with my desire to be in Oneness with All That Exists, so some areas of my life and business have continued to be stressful.

So yesterday I made a commitment to meditate twice a day and immerse myself in more spiritual opportunities and practices to commune with my spirit. My decision is to create time and space each day to prioritize my relationship with God and seek guidance repeatedly throughout the day, especially when making decisions.

This morning during meditation I asked four questions that Marianne raised for the morning’s reflection:

* Who am I called to be?
* What am I called to do?
* What am I called to speak?
* And whom?

When you are not aligned with your essential SELF in your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, you are perfectly aligned with the results you are creating.

When you seem to be doing everything right and things aren’t flowing, my partner, Anita Pathik Law, and I believe: The key to manifesting more of what you want is staying aligned. Simply put, every time you face obstacles, unintentional or unwanted creations in your life, something, somewhere is out of control. Unless you can see where you are out of alignment, you will continue to operate in a survival-oriented space, which is a difficult place to attract and manifest your greatest desires.

Operating strictly through EGO is one way that “Edge God Out”. A healthy ego partners with our soul to align with Divine Will.

If you are unhappy with your life, you have the POWER to alter your course when you align with the Divine!

What’s up today?

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