The best advice for people with low self-esteem

I don’t know whether to say it’s unfortunate that I joined the challenge with only 3 days to go, but I will nonetheless accept the challenge and approach it to the best of my own personal insight. In any case, I want to emphasize that the issue of “low self-esteem” is an inherent factor in human nature, which is modified or shaped according to the environment in which we grow up. Don’t look at it as Lady Gaga’s “I was born this way” ideology, instead look at it from Beyoncé Knowles’ “If I were a boy” wishes.

In any case, low self-esteem is a serious problem because it represents the link between failure and success in that when you change to high self-esteem, success is achieved or when it remains at the same level of low self-esteem, success eludes us. . Well, let’s not delve into the analysis of these problems, instead, let’s focus on understanding how to help people with these.

I will advise from my own personal experience. I also used to have low self-esteem in the past, but unlike those reading this article today, I had no one to advise me and changed on my own. Perhaps the reason why I have so much self-esteem now? The solution is simple, follow Obama’s idea of ​​“Yes you can” and even when you fail, try Abraham Lincoln’s philosophy of “Never give up and try again and again until you succeed”.

Just understand that your success is in your hands and no matter how big a cloud comes your way, it can work like a nuclear weapon; demolishing your weaknesses and rising to the highest heavens. It won’t be as easy as it sounds, but a thousand mile journey when it comes to increasing your self-esteem starts with understanding your weakness and committing to change. IF YOU CAN! Yes, you can change from low self-esteem to high self-esteem. If you believe what you just read, then your self-esteem will increase by 20%. Now do it 100%.

If you think that your case has no solution, how about basing yourself on the fact that the person who is advising you is someone who has been in the place where you are right now. Yes, I have been the butt of laughter, but the change I am enjoying right now is a result of my desire and well-being to change. You need to know that the best thing people can do is give you advice, but whether or not you use that advice is definitely up to you. So be wise and boost your self esteem today for greater success.

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