Streak-free window cleaning

Whether you want to light up one room or your entire home, there is no less expensive way than to have clean windows. However, getting windows to look good without streaks can be a problem. Clean windows let in more light and brighten up any room, but a scratched window can be more of a negative than a positive.

Follow these simple tips to clean windows without leaving marks.

The first tip is to never use paper towels or cloths of any kind on windows. Paper towels leave small particles on the glass, and cloth will leave behind lint. Either of these solutions will leave unsightly streaks on the windows. A better solution is to use coffee filters. They fit the hand, are absorbent and lint free.

You must use the proper window cleaning tools, solutions that do not leave streaks, such as a squeegee or scouring pad. The right tools will make your windows look like they were done by a professional window cleaner.

A scrubber is padded and is used to clean or scrub off dirt. A squeegee is a long metal “blade” with a rubber edge, somewhat similar to a windshield wiper. You can replace a scouring pad with a regular cleaning sponge if you don’t have a scouring pad; works just as well. Window cleaners will work just fine, but make sure those cleaners have vinegar in the ingredients. Commercial window cleaners often leave a waxy film on the window. Vinegar and water work great if there isn’t a waxy film present, but if you’ve used commercial cleaners in the past, it’s a good idea to add ½ teaspoon of liquid dish soap to the window cleaning solution to remove the film. Just using vinegar and water on a window with a film will leave the window scratched.

Vinegar and water are very eco-friendly for cleaning glass. If dishwasher is added for the first cleaning after using a commercial cleaner, it is only needed the first time and in such a small amount that its impact on the environment is minimal.

For a truly streak-free clean, simply crumple up newspapers to use in place of paper towels or a cloth of any kind to remove excess water and cleaning fluid.

Another great window cleaning tip is to clean on a cloudy day. If the day is extremely hot or the window is in direct sunlight, the windows will dry out any solution you are using too quickly. Drying too quickly will leave streaks or water spots, which are undesirable.

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