Six pillars of self-esteem

A psychiatrist named Nathaniel Branden wrote about the book Six Pillars of Self-Esteem and in his book he lists what you need to build your own self-esteem. The book has been highly recommended by doctors in their field and there are people who live these pillars to the letter.

So what is self-esteem? Self-esteem is a valuable asset of your conscious self and having great self-esteem will propel you to be successful in the world. When people lack self-esteem, they often feel hopeless and worthless, and this can lead to destructive behavior and personality disorders.

Building high self-esteem is important in young children, that way the foundation is laid and they can become better adults. Feeling worthy is something magical, when you feel good about yourself you can do almost anything you want to achieve.

The following are Nathaniel Braden’s six pillars of self-esteem.

1. Living Consciously
2. Self-acceptance
3. Self-responsibility
4. Self-affirmation
5. Live with purpose
6. Personal integrity

Broken down by pillar, here are suggestions on how to live up to these valuable pillars of self-esteem.

Living Consciously:
Open yourself to everything around you, live in the present and constantly seek knowledge.

Being able to accept and take responsibility for ourselves, be it our feelings, thoughts or actions. Give yourself permission to think and do what you want, but accept the responsibilities and consequences of your actions.

Own your choices and actions. Always be aware of what you are doing and how it affects those around you.

Stand up for yourself and be assertive and authentic. Live in reality and never be false or fake with yourself.

Live with purpose:
Live life with a purpose, identify your goals and go for them, taking into account what you need to do to achieve them.

Personal integrity:
Live by your own truths, speak the truth and live by it. Be fair and treat others fairly.

If you feel like you have low self-esteem, follow these tips to help develop healthy self-awareness:

Make a list of the things you are good at. Keep a journal for this.
· Love your body, no matter what it looks like.
Give yourself compliments every day. Look in the mirror and tell yourself.
· Remember that you cannot change some things and accept it.
· Tell yourself to stop when negative thoughts enter your head.

The six pillars of self-esteem can be followed, we all know these basic truths and we can all live by them. Having an idea of ​​who we are and how we affect people on a daily basis can help you achieve a better self-awareness that will show itself to others. Love yourself and others will see how fabulous you are!

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