SEO Resellers and the Importance of Physical Appearance

They have always taught us not to judge people by their appearance. Our parents, teachers and even textbooks say that it is not fair to judge someone without first knowing them personally. However, the truth is that most of us are born critics, and we can’t help being critical at times despite the unwritten rule of keeping our biases to ourselves. This leads us to act in ways that, despite being apparently acceptable, discriminate against others because of their appearance.

The Rock N ‘Roll SEO Guy

Take, for example, the story of Mr. Preston. With three knocks and a hoarse “Good morning, this is Mr. Preston,” he entered the laundry room and shook the receptionist’s hand. The latter directed him to the reception area and told him that the manager (the business owner) would be with him shortly. Without removing his Wayfarers, Mr. Preston sat on the only sofa in the reception area, crossed his legs, chewed his Wrigley’s gum incessantly, and opened a Top Gear magazine intended for visitors like himself. He even whistled a Zeppelin song while flipping through the glossy pages of the car magazine.

“It looks terribly dirty,” the receptionist whispered to her boss as they both looked out of their office window at Kurt Cobain’s dress alike. ‘Is he the SEO guy?’ Asked the boss. Outraged, he continued, ‘Don’t you know that we are a business that deals with cleanliness and order? We are the best laundry in Seattle … We are the best in Seattle! How dare you show up to a business meeting looking like that? And where did you get those shoes? They are terribly worn! “

The receptionist left her boss’s office, closed the door carefully, and approached the tough-looking SEO reseller. ‘Mr Preston … it appears that our current SEO contract with another company has not yet expired. My boss asks you to come back after a year or two, and we hope that when you come back you will wear at least one well-washed penguin polo shirt … and also a clean pair of white shoes. “

About reselling SEO

The short anecdote above is just one of thousands of real life examples that we often read about in business magazines. We don’t need to run full surveys to understand the importance of appearance in SEO reselling.

Clearly, in a trade that deals with direct contact with prospects, physical appearance is part of the marketing package. While your appearance may ultimately count for less than your conversational skills, convincing prowess, or marketing savvy, it is still an important factor that can contribute to closing a deal.

An SEO reseller must understand that the reselling business is not just about the reselling business; it is also about the SEO reseller. Few people are likely to put their business in the hands of someone who dresses improperly and can’t seem to even take care of their own personal hygiene, let alone something as important as the company’s SEO campaign.

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