Renaissance science, Plato’s optics, and Fuller’s fractal utopia

The Parthenon of ancient Athens is considered a cultural icon of Western civilization. Recently, he has revealed optical principles that are now transforming our basic understanding of modern science, sparking a new Renaissance.

In 1687, a Turkish military commander used the Parthenon to store gunpowder during a military confrontation against a Venetian cannon bombardment. A Venetian shot exploded the gunpowder, leaving the Parthenon in ruins. The current restoration of the Parthenon used computer technology to measure where the various parts of the original structure fit together. From that process an important finding was made. The Parthenon had been built with great care to conform to lost optical engineering principles.

While the records of much of ancient Greek science have been destroyed as a pagan heresy, we do know that principles of optical engineering for a spiritual reality once existed. Plato recorded that engineers who did not understand such optical principles were barbarians who were in no condition to call themselves philosophers.

In her online book, A Fuller Explanation, Professor Amy Edmondson, president of Novartis at Harvard University, wrote about Plato’s optical discoveries. She admonished Buckminster Fuller for his enthusiasm for new found truths, but forgave him for seeming to take credit for Plato’s engineering principles relevant to spiritual optics. We can assume that these principles are related to the optical secrets hidden in the Parthenon. The term “spiritual reality” can now be equated with holographic reality, which is known to be associated with the workings of liquid crystal fractal logic. That logic is relevant to Buckminster Fuller’s theory of synergy, a spiritual life force energy that acts in defiance of the logic that modern mechanistic science holds.

During the 5th century AD, such speculation about the life force challenged the power of the Christian hierarchy. Pope Cyril of Alexandria seems to have excited the followers of Christianity to riot and burn scrolls belonging to the Agora, or Great Library of Alexandria. The Library Custodian, the famous mathematician Hypatia, was killed by the mutinous mob. The 2009 Hollywood movie Agora records the events that led to his death in 415. History records that St. Augustine, at that time, wrote that Hypatia’s mathematics belonged to the devil’s work.

Recently, NASA’s High Energy Astrophysics library has published articles explaining that the classical Greek worldview was built on the geometry of fractal logic. Modern science readily accepts that fractal logic extends to infinity but remains governed by the second law of thermodynamics. Einstein classified the second law as the main law of all science. As this law, also known as the universal law of death by heat, condemns all life to eventual extinction, any science of life with infinite fractal logic becomes inconceivable. It can now be seen that Augustine’s classification of Hypatia’s life science as the devil’s work has seriously contaminated modern science, a contamination that greatly concerns Buckminster Fuller. Following NASA publications on fractal logic, it would seem reasonable to be able to demonstrate errors in the popular twentieth-century evaluation of Augustinian philosophy.

Encyclopaedia Britannica lists Augustine’s mind as the melting pot that most completely fused the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy with New Testament religion, influencing both Catholic and Protestant beliefs today. Fuller’s synergistic mathematics of life forms, derived from Plato’s spiritual optics, is now the basis of a new medical chemistry developed by three 1996 Nobel laureates in Chemistry. If Hypatia’s mathematics were linked to the logic of science biological fractals of Plato, then Western scientific culture would appear to be in a state of spiritual confusion. In his book, Beyond Socrates, the famous philosopher of Greek thought at the University of Cambridge, FM Cornford. included Plato as one of the greatest fathers of the Christian Church, which is simply an impossible concept considering that Plato’s work is the work of the Devil.

The second law of thermodynamics completely governs all aspects of the dominant Western technological culture. While mainstream science readily accepts that the fundamental property of fractal logic is that it extends to infinity, this fact cannot be understood within Einstein’s twentieth-century worldview, in which all life is condemned to the extinction of death by heat. Now we can see the meaning of Fuller’s book title, Utopia or Oblivion.

This book echoed the central idea of ​​the famous Rede Lecture of 1959, delivered by molecular biologist CP Snow, who warned that unless modern science meets the spirit of the life sciences of classical Greece , civilization as we know it must be destroyed. The lost optical secrets of the Parthenon can be considered quite an important discovery.

Copyright © Robert Pope 2010

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