Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Ayurveda

As we mentioned in the previous article, PMS affects more than 70% to 90% of premenopausal women in the US and fewer women in Southeast Asia due to their lifestyle difference. and the social structure. PMS is defined as a defective function of the ovaries related to a woman’s menstrual cycle, affects a woman’s physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormonal fluctuations. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then subsides when the period begins. In this article, we will discuss how Ayurveda treats PMS.

Ayurveda treatments are individualized based on a person’s imbalance of 3 doshas. The three doshas are vata, pitta, and kapha. Ayurveda recognizes the imbalance of 3 doshas that cause PMS, therefore if PMS is caused by

I. Vata imbalance
Since vata dosha governs all physiological aspects of the human body, vata dosha imbalance causes depression, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, and other nervous stress resulting in PMS, so treatments include:

1. Meditation and relaxation.
2. Food should be lukewarm and avoid eating fresh or cold food. Some foods may be suggested to be taken during the menstrual cycle to reduce the symptoms of PMS.
3. Dried ginger and black pepper can be added in the daily diet to warm up the body and balance vata dosha.

II. pitta imbalance
Pitta dosha governs all aspects of physiological transformation in the human body, ptta dosha imbalance causes anger, irritability, digestion and mental sharpness resulting in PMS, then treatments may include:

1. Massage with fresh essential oil
2. Keep the body cool by eating cold raw foods, such as pears and melons.
3. Slow down and take more time to relax
4. The herb motherwort contains substances that help to inhibit heat in the body, thus helping to reduce the symptoms of PMS.

3rd Lapha Imbalance
Lapha dosha governs all the structural integrity of the human body, including the enhancement of the immune system in the fight against environmental toxins accumulated in the body. Lapha imbalance causes weight gain, bloating, and depression, resulting in PMS. Treatments include:

1. Regular and moderate exercise
2. Food must be hot before eating. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
3. Avoid strong flavored foods, such as too sweet, salty, and sour.
4. Foods with a large amount of vitamin C that cleanse toxins from the body can be suggested to be taken every day during the menstrual cycle.

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