Portrait Photography: Ski Photos That Sell

Every year, people from all over the world head to the ski resorts. for your winter vacation. Many of them will have their photos taken by the professional photographer on the mountain at the lookout point at the top of the mountain. The prints you purchase will be taken home, framed and treasured as your most valuable possessions.

One of the most important factors is being in the right place at the right time. There are many variables to take into account, such as deciding where to set up your photography tent in the mountains. Let’s take a look at some.

Weather is an important factor to determine the best area to photograph clients. Because the weather can change minute by minute, shooting zone flexibility is key. If your area gets foggy move on, it could be that 1000′ down the mountain the view is great.

The “hot zone” on a blue sky day It is usually the best view from the top of the ski hill. When the weather is good, you will capture the most images from the best panoramic viewpoint on the mountain. Families, couples, singles and groups will be skiing and even lining up on these perfect days. Harvest hay while the sun is shining. Do a good job with your groups, squeeze as much as you can out of each one doing your breakdowns. By breakdowns I mean a group photo, then just the kids, then mom and dad, then individual photos of each child. Work it, when they go to buy their paintings, the more you shoot, the more they buy.

The hot zone on a snowy day it is typically the most sheltered area from the mountain wind. Another important factor when the weather is inclement is the backdrop, so if possible choose a location with beautiful trees for the background. The prettier the trees, the better. People will definitely buy photos taken while it’s snowing, especially if they have snow-laden branches or are from areas like Florida where it doesn’t snow.

The time of day can also affect your choice of zone. If there’s a good view from the deck where everyone gathers for lunch, it’s a great opportunity to get everyone together while being together and not hanging around the mountain. It can be a challenge to get people to slow down enough for a photo shoot. Try to settle into the lodge on the mountain (if you have a good view), especially during busy periods like the holidays and spring break. Try to set up within sight of the outdoor eating area, so everyone sees you working, interested groups will flock to you. If you slow down, you can go and work with the crowd.

In the great ski areas where skiers only ride a particular lift once in the morning, just to get to the upper lifts. You can be busy in the morning, and then really slow down when everyone is skiing, so get moving.

Shadows and lighting change throughout the day. and some places can become completely unshootable in the afternoon. An area that is hot at 2:00 pm may not be hot at 3:00 pm, as it is engulfed by long afternoon shadows from the high mountains. Move to a place with better light, people are getting tired and will now slow down enough to take a quick photo.

If you work for a company that assigns you a specific area to shoot and you have to shoot hot or not, and at the moment it is not. Cover your zone as best you can, stay enthusiastic and energetic, you’ll get something, and you could be the best money pool of the day!

If you cover your zone, hot or not, your manager is more likely to give you a hot zone on future assignments. Hone your photography skills and be reliable. You will start to get the best location.

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