Bulldozers Trivia: 5 Interesting Facts You Need To Know

Bulldozers are heavy duty tractor-like vehicles that are fastened with a wide blade system at the front and an optional ripper at the rear. They are mainly used for fine grading, ground leveling and pushing of large piles of earth or snow. Excavators are widely used in many industrial...

The history of New Year’s resolutions

THE TRADITION OF New Year’s Resolutions dates back to 153 BC Janus, a mythical king of ancient Rome, was placed at the head of the calendar. With two faces, Janus could remember past events and look into the future. Janus became the ancient symbol of resolutions and many Romans...

How to clean kitchen cabinets

Like most smart homeowners, you realize the impact the right cabinetry can have on your kitchen. Selecting the perfect cabinets for your home is one thing; keeping them in good condition is another. Here are some practical tips to keep your cabinets looking as beautiful as the day you...

Top 3 Bed Bug Products Review

Bedbug infestations were claimed to have been completely eradicated in the 1950s through the use of a heavy-duty synthetic pesticide called DDT. However, the pesticide does not only kill insects and pests. DDT is also extremely harmful to aquatic life, plants, animals, and of course humans. Therefore, the use...

How to act consistently and lose weight

If you want to consistently lose weight, you need to act consistently. Extraordinary results require extraordinary effort. Talking and planning is not enough to make progress on most tasks. This will include losing weight. Don’t waste your time dreaming or planning how you would lose weight after the holidays...

China Investment Research: Pollution weighs down China’s future

In a recent Guardian article, “China’s burgeoning middle class has mounted its first massive challenge to the government by staging a major environmental protest in southern China.” In China, environmental issues are generally neglected as the country focuses on its rise as an economic powerhouse. Even with growing interest...

Fibroid Symptoms: 10 Fibroid Symptoms To Watch Out For

Uterine fibroids are very common in women of childbearing age, but most don’t even know they have them, as fibroid symptoms can easily be mistaken for something else. 50% of women with fibroids do not have any symptoms and only now have fibroids during a pelvic exam or when...

What you should know about foreclosure and its stages

Mortgage’s trial: A foreclosure occurs when a property owner is unable to make their loan payments. If a homeowner can’t keep up with the payments, he simply has to relinquish the property to the bank that holds the mortgage on the home. A bank can initiate a foreclosure action...