Don’t let me down (Load)

Pop…crack…whisper…sisssss…sisss…sissss “Hey…hey…hey…hey” BANG!! “Jude, don’t make it mean. Take a sad song…” Some of you may have no idea where I’m going with this clumsy, onomatopoeia-filled introduction. But for many, you know exactly what these sounds of yesterday are. So, before we go any further, let’s take our digital...

Grow Your Downline: How Your Upline May Be Sabotaging You

Did you go into a network marketing business believing that it was a business that would virtually build itself and that you would be able to grow your downline almost like magic? Were they led to believe that if he let his upline “help” him, he would grow his...

How to paint a room cheaply!

I used to be embarrassed when my wife told me to paint the bedroom or redecorate the living room; doing any of these would cost me a lot of money to get favorable results. That was one of my first assumptions about painting a room. Now I really look...

Get started with Analytics and find success

What is web analytics? Web analytics provide insights into the user experience and customer journey through the website. Give real data about the customer’s movement through your view. It collects this data from your website and converts it into information. Web analytics tools can be used to learn more...

How to raise a baby according to the Truby King method

Do you wonder how women in the fifties gave birth to up to 12 children and were still healthy and balanced enough while, on the other hand, we seem to go crazy with only one child to care for? If you find out how they raised children in those...

The hormone epinephrine and its role in weight loss and muscle gain

For people interested in implementing a weight loss strategy that works and looking to learn how to gain muscle and lose fat, there are many solutions available. But that is not all. One major problem, however, is that excellent marketing by some very smart business people makes removing clutter...

Act now on tax reform and save thousands

I have a friend who is a tax attorney. He loves to chat. Whether it’s over the phone, email, Skype, or smoke signals, it’s usually good for three or four calls a week. I haven’t heard from him since the end of November. I called his office in the...

Music lessons: choosing an instrument

Learning to play an instrument by taking music lessons offers many advantages. It can help you improve your memory, boost your self-confidence and discover your musical talents. That is why many children and adults join music classes. Now, if you want to discover your talent, you can start by...

How to improve the performance of a folding workbench

I like to create with my hands. I especially enjoy creating useful items out of wood. Unfortunately, my self-designed and built 6′ X 3′ garage workbench tends to become literate with miscellaneous “stuff”, and I find myself at my wits end trying to build projects on a piece of...