Limiting beliefs prevent the law of attraction from working for you

Lately I have heard many people say that they are giving up on the Law of Attraction (LOA). They’re tired of hearing about it, tired of the thousands of websites, seminars, and self-improvement programs that promise the moon and stars with the LOA because it just doesn’t seem to work for them.

The truth is that the Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working, it is Universal Law, but if you are not vibrating in the energetic vicinity of what you want, you are not going to get it. When people don’t get what they want, they think the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. But sorry folks, there is no way out of Universal Law. Is working; you are simply not allowing it to work in your favor.

Another reason why people don’t want to hear about the Law of Attraction is because they don’t want to be responsible for their own lives. It is easier for them to blame others for everything that happens to them or to blame some cruel God who punishes us for our sins.

I also believe that the recent shift in focus on the Law of Attraction by many who have been teaching it for a long time is now that the LOA just IS. It’s like gravity, and we don’t talk about gravity all day trying to figure out how to use it to our advantage in our lives. We are not trying to “invoke” gravity. We simply KNOW what IT IS and act accordingly. Why keep talking about it and trying to make it work for us? It’s already working for us. People don’t have to know anything about gravity to stay planted on the ground, nor do they need to know or believe in the Law of Attraction to attract similar energy. it is given

Before the term “Law of Attraction” became so popular, I learned it as the “Law of Love” or the “Law of Divine Orchestration”. It is only in recent years that the Law of Attraction has become the buzz phrase for this Universal Law.

There is no doubt that like energy and vibration attract like energy and vibration; that is the proven scientific explanation. But spiritually, the explanation is that the Divine Super Intelligence loves us unconditionally and wants to give us what we want. So to make it easy and not overwhelming like Jim Carey in Bruce Almighty, Source let’s be our own self-sufficient creators, each of us with the power that creates worlds within us. Why would we ever think/feel/vibrate something we don’t want knowing that we are powerful creators who create our reality with our thoughts/feelings/vibrations? Like duh!!! But there’s a reason we hold back.

For me, the focus has shifted from concentrating on the Law of Attraction to focusing on the beliefs we’ve acquired throughout our lives, some of them outdated and limiting, and reconfiguring them to match what we really want. Our beliefs filter our perception of life, how we see ourselves and others. Our beliefs are there to protect us and keep us safe; we create them from the beginning when we observe something and make a decision about it. Or maybe we hear someone say something like “You’ll never amount to anything”, or “Don’t eat that, you’ll get fat”, or “You have to work hard to make money”, and boom, a belief is born. Our brains-in-training soaked it up like a sponge and made it happen for us. But what we thought we needed to keep us safe as children no longer holds true as adults, especially as we evolve and expand. We need to learn to adjust, amend and rewire until our beliefs match our desires so that we get what we desire by Universal Divine Law.

It doesn’t take a lot of science to know where you’re vibrating on a given topic. Just look at your bank account, your relationships, your career. What you are receiving is what you are vibrating. Every time. And if you don’t get what you want, you have beliefs that keep you where you are. Break limiting beliefs and you will be free!

If you say positive affirmations, created a vision board, visualize and keep a lucky charm in your pocket but still don’t manifest your desires, you have subconscious limiting beliefs that say “no you can’t you can’t it won’t happen” that sabotage your positive actions. All the affirmations in the world are not going to work if your underlying core belief is that you are not worthy of your dreams.

Why do we never follow our dreams? Why do we limit ourselves and justify and conform? Sometimes beliefs are so ingrained and part of who we are that we don’t even realize they are there and that they limit us. But if you don’t live the life of your dreams, you definitely have limiting beliefs that keep you from being the limitless being that you really are. Let’s bust them now!

There are many ways to break your limiting beliefs:

It helps to first identify your limiting beliefs. One way to identify them is to become a conscious thinker. Become observant of your thoughts. Become present and in the moment of what you are thinking. Notice and observe your thoughts instead of letting them go on and on. Stop and think about what you are thinking! The background that executes the thoughts that we think without thinking is the subconscious mind that executes our core patterns and beliefs.

Our conscious mind says: “I am happy, rich and healthy, look, I even wrote it a hundred times and cut out pictures about it.” And our subconscious mind goes, “Oh no you’re not, remember that time you were told you were stupid and you’d never amount to anything?” And the subconscious dominates the belief wins.

Become a conscious thinker and notice when your mind says, “I’m not good enough, I can never do that, I’ll never have much money.” When you notice those thoughts, don’t get mad at yourself. Just bring your thoughts to positive affirmations like: “I am worthy, the Universe loves and supports me, I am abundant in every way.” With time and repetition, you will start to believe them.

The key here is focus and repetition. Repeat rewire. You can literally rewire neurons in your brain to create a new pathway that connects to new core beliefs. Dr. Joe Dispenza from What the Bleep? fame says that it takes seventeen days to rewire the neurons in your brain to create new basic beliefs and habits.

I love using RAPs (repetitive audio programs) to rewire quickly and efficiently. RAPs are selected affirmations that are repeated over and over while you meditate or sleep. When you’re in a theta brain wave state, your subconscious is open to receiving new information without resistance, allowing for quick and easy reprogramming. I put the mp3 on before I go to sleep, and then all night the recorded statements are playing in my subconscious, reconfiguring my beliefs as I dream. This is my kind of rewire!

The only problem with repetitive programs is that some people don’t follow them. They do it for a few days or a week, declare that it doesn’t work, and then go find the next speaker, seminar, or book to give them the answer. The problem is that wherever you go, there are your beliefs.

People will also find that resistance can arise after a short time of using a repetitive program. As we are reprogramming our core beliefs, events or emotions arise that need to be released and can become a bit uncomfortable so we stop using them.

Be patient, give yourself a break, you have been running these patterns and beliefs for most of your life and the reward you get for releasing and replacing them is well worth it. After all, it is your life!

Another very effective method for releasing limiting beliefs and old emotional baggage is the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). EFT uses the energy meridian points on your body, the same ones used for acupuncture. Simply touch these points in order while going through a sequence of statements that relate to your problem. I have seen miraculous results using EFT and have added it to my training practice because it is so quick and easy. EFT is becoming increasingly popular as people discover its powerful and rapid belief release abilities.

While I haven’t explored it myself yet, I’ve heard great things from people I respect very much about using the Sedona Method to release limiting beliefs, so I’m mentioning it here.

Hypnotherapy is also great for easily getting to your core beliefs and replacing them with new ones. You can visit a qualified hypnotherapist or even find a self-hypnosis program that will guide you into a relaxed theta state and then feed you new beliefs to hold onto.

Do some research and follow your inner guidance and intuition to find which method will work best for you. It can be one or a combination of them. YOU will know what is best for you. Trust your guide and what it calls you.

All of these methods are great for helping you break free from limiting beliefs that no longer serve you, yet they add to, not replace, becoming the person you want to be, RIGHT NOW. Delve into who you really are, your true authentic self. Unlimited. Free. Happy. Abundant. affectionate. Be happy now, appreciate what you have now, start living your dreams now!

How would you feel if you were living your dreams right now? What would you do? How would you walk, talk, be? Stop looking and start BEING. Let it be NOW, and let it be consistently, and watch your limiting beliefs quickly melt away! Talk about instant vibrational alignment!

Surround yourself with people who support you in your new beliefs. Get a life coach to guide you towards your dreams and be your cheerleader. Join or form a group of masterminds where everyone supports each other and holds onto the vision of who they really are. Join positive groups that are aligned with your vision. There is great power in numbers. Take consistent inspired action steps toward your dreams. Let go of guilt, anger, old emotions, and baggage that no longer serves you. Follow your heart and your intuition. Take time every day for your enlightenment, expansion, and health. Overcome the limiting beliefs that bind you and set yourself free!

When you align your core beliefs with your desires, there will be no stopping you. Like gravity, you won’t have to think about the Law of Attraction working anymore. You will be too busy living your dreams!

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