Liberate, Focus, Align: A Sustainability Blueprint for Rapidly Changing Times

Everywhere we look, change is happening at an ever-increasing rate. This is not new news. However, what is not as widely reported in the media, nor recognized in our mainstream culture, is that the collective consciousness, the sum total of our collective thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, perspectives, actions, and choices, is also rapidly evolving. From where you find yourself at any particular moment looking at the current challenges facing our world on so many levels, this evolution may not seem so obvious. However, if we step back and look at the big picture of what has changed in our world over the last few decades, not to mention the last few hundred years, there is clear evidence of evolution in technology, knowledge, and yes, increased awareness. . and an expanding consciousness. This is not to say that we still do not have a long way to go. When compared to the arc of the life cycle, many leading thinkers in the field of human development and consciousness studies say that we, as a Western culture, are right in the middle of our adolescence. The questions become: How do we continue our evolution forward with clear intention and awareness? How do we recognize the rapidly emerging potentials in all areas of our lives—home and family, community, business, and government—in order to partner with them and become stewards of their continued rapid evolution? What is our part, both individually and collectively, in creating sustainability for a positive evolutionary process?

Three words have been going around in my consciousness for some time now: unleash, focus, align. I have spoken about them in keynotes and now recognize that perhaps they represent a simple three-step formula for continued sustainability, regardless of the project or the potential available, especially in times of rapid evolution and change.

Let’s take these three words one at a time to explore what each means as part of the formula.


Regardless of where you are in the world, if you ask people to point to themselves, they will almost without fail point to the center of their chest, the center of their heart. We have an instinctive knowledge that the essence of who we are lives somewhere in the core of our being, not in our intellect. It’s very rare that someone points to their head. The HeartMath Institute in Boulder Creek, CA, has shown through their research that the electromagnetic field of the heart is 5,000 times greater than the electromagnetic field of the brain. In their research on the coherence between the heart and the brain, they have shown a series of physiological processes in which the brain actually takes its direction from the heart and not the other way around, as we have been conditioned to think. We access our true wisdom and insight through the heart much more than through the intellect. The intellect then takes that information gathered through the heart and organizes it. But that is getting ahead of ourselves; we’ll get to that when we talk about “focus” in a moment.

Unleash as the first part of the formula is about unleashing the heart’s wisdom, truth, intuition and understanding. As an individual, it is about releasing the essence of who you are, of your soul. It is about unleashing your soul mission, the reason you are here, your life purpose, so that you can be free to reach your highest potential, your greatest potential, the greatest gifts you came to give this life. For a project, it’s about unlocking the greatest potential for that project, what you really want to happen through this project in service of something bigger. For organizations and governments, it is about being clear about their soul and the mission of the soul, and releasing the potential of what they want to develop for the common good through policies, laws or projects.

Unleashing means paying attention to dormant or emerging potential, asking “What do you want to happen?” and become one of your allies or stewards to help you cross the bridge from idea to reality. It takes courage to really unlock potential. Once it’s unleashed, it will start to take on a life of its own. The higher the potential, the larger the wave of energy behind it. When first released, the energy can be overwhelming. You may feel like you don’t know how to harness this enormous energy, let alone be able to control it, organize it, or know what to do with it.

This is where, whether in our personal, business, or government lives, we too often abandon potential or try to contain it in some way that allows us to neatly put it in a box where we can feel safe, comfortable, and in control. This is where we get caught up in “fixing” something, solving a problem, or trying to make everything right again, instead of paying attention to what is trying to happen and ushering in a new reality. It is true that everyone can breathe a sigh of relief when that happens (crisis averted, problem solved, or so it seems), but in truth we have just fixed something and slowed the evolutionary process forward. We have chosen short-term comfort and convenience over transformation and evolution.

Unleashing something implies that whatever we are unleashing was being held back, trapped, subdued in some way. The word itself carries a lot of energy. As the first step in our sustainability formula, “unleash” calls us to release what wants to happen and see what happens next.


As soon as we have unleashed the potential and given it the freedom to fly, the next step in the formula is to focus on that energy: pay attention to it, listen to it, follow it, see what it has to tell us about how to perform in shape for the best result. possible for everyone. This part of the process begins by focusing our intuition, entering into a constant intuitive dialogue with potential and letting it show us the way. From there, we take the information we’ve collected and focus our intellect in service of that potential. The intellect is the great organizer. He knows how to do things. The heart is not so good at organizing and taking action, however, without its general awareness and intuitive guidance, the intellect will not necessarily be in touch with the great potential that is trying to emerge. Without that awareness, the intellect can get caught up in individual steps or pieces of the puzzle and lose sight of the big picture. The intellect will, by default, often become attached to smaller energy waves that seem more manageable, safer, less threatening or unpredictable, and more comfortable, and will lose the momentum and inspiration of the big wave of energy.

So the focus is about listening, watching and responding to what the potential asks of us as each step unfolds.

To line up

The third step in our sustainability formula is to “align”. This step asks us to align our thoughts, feelings, emotions, perspectives, habits, decisions, actions, and practices with the greater potential that is emerging. Something big is trying to happen here. When we are not aligned with that great energy, chaos can reign supreme because we are “out of sync” with what is trying to happen. The faster we focus on what the potential is asking of us and what is trying to happen and then align on all levels with that emerging potential, the faster we move from chaos to order, the faster synergy and harmony are established. synchronicity. and the smoother will be the journey in every way.

Alignment is about creating congruence, about making all parts of who we are and how we think and act congruent with the emerging potential. Through this process, we live in service of our continuous forward evolution. We serve the evolution of our collective consciousness and continue to advance humanity in its evolutionary process.

A nonlinear process

Release, focus, align as a formula is initially a linear process: release potential, focus intuition and intellect, and then align all energies in service of emerging potential. However, the easier the formula is to use, the faster it will go from being a linear to a non-linear process. With a little practice, as soon as you unleash the potential, you will immediately find yourself coming into focus and alignment. And as you focus and align, you continue to unlock the potential even as the potential itself continues to evolve and unfold.

Release, focus, align, unite to become three things happening at the same time. In full practice, unleashing, focusing, aligning is a simultaneous and continuous process. And precisely because it is continuous and simultaneous, it becomes a powerful model for evolutionary sustainability. Sustainability comes from growth, evolution, and a constant flow of energy that feeds all the elements of the project or idea. Things cease to be sustainable when there is no growth or evolution, when we try to impose limitations, conditions, or restrictions on the flow of energy in an effort to control or manipulate an outcome. Because life is energy in motion and is therefore constantly changing and evolving, it can only be sustainable if we live in a way that supports and serves that ongoing natural change, transformation and evolution. Release, Focus, Align as a model of sustainability is about serving the common good. This formula will not work when applied to something that is in the service of a single person or a select group, organization or society. Energy and potential do not recognize the hierarchy of one group over another, one person over another. Energy and potential do not work selectively. Whether in businesses, governments, or family systems, anything that serves a select few will ultimately not be sustainable. While anyone can focus and align energy in a given direction and successfully manipulate the results over a period of time, in the long term only a forward and positive evolution for the greater good is sustainable. We can see this when we look back at human history.

Systems of abusive power, dictatorship, and manipulative control ultimately do not survive, and there has never been a sustained mass desire for such systems. However, the longing, the call and the actions for peace among the human race have never ceased to exist. We are learning. We are evolving. When we can let go of our personal ideas of what we want it to happen What we think things should be seenPrayed what we want because it would better serve our particular family, country, or lifestyle, when we can tune in at a higher level of consciousness to what wants to happen for the greater good of all, we will move forward with much more grace, ease, and flow. Will there be missteps, discouragement, disappointment? Yes. However, if we continue to unlock the potential and listen to the deeper message within the missteps, discouragements and disappointments; if we continue to focus on that greater potential and what it is asking of us as the next step and respond accordingly; if we align our thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions, habits, and decisions with that unfolding potential, we will serve the ever-faster evolution of mass consciousness that is trying to happen.

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