Learn to eat healthy fast food

If you want to maintain your on-the-go lifestyle, you really can’t help but eat on the go. We all know that this can spell disaster for any attempt at a healthy diet.

But it does not have to be like that. Thanks to consumer demand from millions of people just like you who want to eat healthy fast food, you can now find health-conscious foods on many menus.

Also, you can learn to take traditional fast food and order it in such a way that you can drastically reduce its calories and fat.

Here are six simple rules to remember as you drive to the order screen:

1) Skip the sauce or order it on the side. If you can order that chicken, fish, or beef without mayonnaise, you’re doing yourself a huge favor. The same goes for any other sauce you add to your sandwich. It is full of calories.

2) Grilled chicken is always a good option. If you’re making a sandwich decision, avoid things that are crispy, fried, or breaded. The grilled chicken option will almost always be lower in calories and fat. If you can do without the sauce, go for a low-fat option for the sauce, or get it on the side where you’re really on a roll!

3) Salads won’t get you anywhere if you top them with high-fat dressings. Many people make the mistake of assuming that just eating a salad means they are eating healthy. Is not true. You have to go with a salad that is low in calories (any salad with fried chicken or bacon on top is a no-no), and you should always look for a low-fat dressing.

4) Look for different side options. If you can avoid large fry, do so. Many restaurants now offer many options for a side item with the value of your meal. Take advantage of the healthy option (fruit, vegetables, etc).

5) Go with diet soda or water. Everything else is empty calories. This is an absolute must for anyone serious about healthy fast food. A large Coke can contain 400 calories and over 80 carbs!

6) You can reduce your serving size. Really, you can do it. “Supersize” is your enemy. Tell yourself.

Finally, here is another great healthy fast food lunch idea, this time from Taco Bell.

Fresco Ranchero Chicken Soft Taco – 170 calories, 4 grams of fat

Fresco Burrito Supreme, Chicken – 330 calories, 8 grams of fat

And remember, always go with diet soda or water. You don’t need extra calories!

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