Is CrossFit the only workout I need?

Why CrossFit may be the best exercise program for 2019
As the New Year approaches, I thought it was time to decide whether to tweak my exercise program or stick with what has been working in 2018. I know the newest and best exercise programs seem to emerge around this time of year. and I want to go deeper. on why I think CrossFit is not only the best workout, but also why it might be the only workout you need.

Let’s start with the science behind a good exercise program.
As you probably know, muscle cells, or any cell, require oxygen to live and thrive. As oxygen enters the cell, toxins or wastes leave the cell. The release of waste is possible thanks to muscle contraction. Without contractions, cell transport is hampered and toxins can even accumulate around the cell wall. If this occurs, a person will lose flexibility and general health. So let’s agree that exercise is a powerful way to improve your body down to the cellular level.

There are two types of exercise, aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic involves the constant intake of oxygen during exercise. Anaerobics will only have small or short bursts of oxygen during exercise. Examples of aerobic exercise include long-distance running, swimming, cycling, or even walking. These types of exercises require oxygen as fuel to maintain activity. Anaerobic exercises are short bursts of activity and generally involve a high level of muscle contraction without constant oxygen intake. Anaerobic exercises would be like weight lifting or sprinting.

What components should a training regimen include?
A good regular exercise program should include aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility training, and strength training. You might be saying, “Don’t you have strength training covered with just lifting or running? Also, isn’t flexibility training just my normal stretching?” Yes, but your strength training should include explosive, holding, and resistance strength. Flexibility training includes movement of the body in all planes, not just the muscles you are working. Yoga would be a good example of flexibility training.

A good exercise program often includes like-minded people to push you and hold you accountable.
Research has shown that many people drop their exercise program after a short period of time because they feel lonely or unmotivated. A good and consistent training program should include a mentor or partner. This person will push you beyond your limits and hold you accountable for showing up and pushing yourself to achieve your goals. Believe it or not, your mind will stop making excuses to lift less weight or skip workouts when it knows you’re expected to be there and perform to your ability. Going to exercise classes often helps you schedule your training instead of trying to fit it in after you meet other commitments.

What about diet and supplements tailored to a workout?
Another important aspect of an exercise program. Fuel for your body and nutrients to aid muscle recovery are necessary. With a proper diet and nutritional supplements, fatigue and stagnation are minimized. The frequency of injuries is also minimized.

Okay, which exercise program(s) are the best for 2019?
Just like in 2018, the best workout for 2019 is CrossFit. Why only that? Why not use a mix of programs? The simple answer is that CrossFit includes everything we just mentioned. A good CrossFit workout uses aerobic and anaerobic exercise. It has all the strength training methods and includes flexibility programs. You are exercising with like-minded people who will push you to be your best. The diet and nutritional components associated with CrossFit are second to none. For example, Paleo diets have become a CrossFit staple.

In closing, I’m not telling you that CrossFit is the only exercise program you should do. But, CrossFit includes all the ingredients for a long-term, safe, and healthy exercise lifestyle.

Be the best of yourself

The CrossFit team

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