Immigration Law and RFID Tags to Prevent Illegal Aliens, Human and Drug Trafficking

There is some debate about the use of radio frequency identification tags to be used on humans or to prevent illegal aliens from crossing US borders. One of the ideas for using RFID tags, which would be to use them in combination with biometric cards that each person crossing the border would have to carry with them at all times.

You may not have known this, but there are 23 million visitors who come to the United States each year and that number is growing. There are 15 million visitors from Mexico and Canada every year and the authorities want to know who is coming to our country and why. They also want to make sure that people who have VISAs or passes don’t overstay their visits and if they do, they want them to check back and re-register to extend their visit.
RFID tags would not only be used to prevent legal and illegal people from entering the country, but would also be used to stop human and drug trafficking. There are over seven million shipping containers coming into our country each year and we can’t check them all, but with RFID tags we can. Recently, we have installed special scanning machines to look inside these shipping containers, but sometimes that’s not even enough.
Some security officials at the Department of Homeland Security suggested that perhaps these RFID tags would help us track every person who enters our country. But immigration law professors, as well as constitutional lawyers, think this scheme is too much. That’s the latest in immigration law and the world of RFID tags. Please think about this.

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