How to rank 10 multilevel marketing opportunities?

Writing a list of the top 10 MLM companies is not that easy, everyone involved in MLM will have their own favorite company; it is usually the one they participate in.

There are many things you will need to consider if you want to compile a list of the top ten MLM companies. The information listed here is my opinion only and should not be taken as a gospel.

Three of the characteristics that I think a business should have to be considered for a top 10 list are.

A company that is less than five years old should not be in the top ten.

Some people would say that a pre-launch opportunity is the best way to join. Many consider these to be ground floor opportunities where they have a much better chance of success if they arrive early.

This is not the case and many people are wrong about what actually constitutes a ground floor opportunity. A ground floor opportunity is considered to be when the number of distributors in your area is less than half a percentage of the total population. Not when the business is just getting started.

Many companies fail or go bankrupt in the first three to five years, and if you join the company in the early stages, you risk losing money and a lot of time. If a company you joined in the early stages were to go out of business after just one year, you would lose your product and supplier and would have wasted countless hours marketing and promoting that business.

This is why joining a company that is at least five years old is a much safer bet for you. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a start-up to be a ground floor opportunity. Therefore, if you are not at least five years old, you should not be included in the list of the top 10 multilevel marketing companies.

A business must have financial security.

I have said that it is best to join a company that is at least five years old, however, just because it is five years old does not make it a stable company. One of the main causes of the bankruptcy of any company is lack of financing or high debts. If the company you join is struggling financially, it is a good bet to stay away as they may be about to close and you may lose your money. If a business is not financially secure or debt free, it should not be considered for the top ten lists.

Product at a reasonable price and massively marketable

Finally, I believe that for a company to be considered a top 10 multilevel marketing company, it must have a massively marketable product. By mass marketable I mean a product that is purchased on a regular basis by a significant percentage of the population. The product must be reasonably priced so that it is affordable for a large number of the population.

For example

A lottery based MLM product is very marketable; It is a product in the form of a ticket (tangible-offline or digital-online) that more than eighty percent of the population buys weekly. It is a product that people are very familiar with, it usually costs less than a pound, making it very affordable.

For a business to have a chance to be on the top 10 list for MLM, its product must be massively marketable.

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