How to mark your websites on social networks? Advantages and disadvantages of bookmarks

Social bookmarking is one of the main parts of SEO techniques to promote your website online. The basic reason to bookmark a post / site is to generate traffic. Bookmarking is nothing more than saving a website in your browser [in your local PC]. We always bookmark our favorite sites in our browser so that we can easily retrieve them when needed. Social bookmarks are similar too, but in this case, you save all your bookmarks on the website. [not in your local PC]. With this technique, you can retrieve your favorite sites from anywhere in the world via the Internet. This gives more traffic to your website. Besides the traffic, it also returns links to your site.

How to make social bookmarks?

There are many sites that offer these bookmarking services, such as Digg, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

1. First, you must create an account on these sites.

2. After registering, you will be given a special code that you can place on your blog / site. When you put these scripts on your blog, you may notice little icons at the bottom of each post. So when a visitor comes to your site, they will bookmark it by simply clicking on those little icons located at the bottom of your posts.

3. You can also directly bookmark your URL on those sites where you will give your title and a short description. [Don’t forget to leave a link back to your site]..

In this way, you can use social bookmarking services.

Keep in mind that the post will be given more importance, that is, ranked well by others, in the search results. Always try to be creative when choosing titles.


1. The main advantage of this marker is search engine optimization. Because these sites are highly optimized for search engines.

2. You may experience immediate traffic when you use these bookmarking services.

3. Also, the thing about these services is that you can put your list of favorite websites in one place and browse when and where you need to on the Internet.

4. It is the best place to promote, because today, many people gather on these bookmarking sites.


1. The main advantage is also its disadvantage. That means your site disappears from the results as fast as it entered the search. Because many people add bookmarks on a daily basis and for this reason old bookmarks will come back when new ones are added.

We can turn this disadvantage into an advantage by adding new markers each time.

So, start bookmarking now and get instant traffic to your website or blog.

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