How to Make Women Sexually Attracted to You: From the Friend Zone to the Sex Zone

OK here is the scenario:

You just got back from a nice date with a girl you just met and now you are sitting on her very comfortable sofa.

Your conversation is quite relaxed and you are having a good time.

You think now is a good time to make your move.

So while she’s looking at you, you lean in to kiss her.

Then she says “Wait”.

“{insert your name here}, I like you a lot, but not like that. Is there a way we can just be friends?”

Sounds kind of familiar huh? This is the problem that many guys face, regardless of how many girls they date, throughout their lives. I was the same, except instead of the occasional one I have now, it was almost every girl I dated. Until finally one day I got fed up and started looking online for answers. I found a ton of good information and tried it out and now I almost never get stuck in that dreaded friend zone that I used to get stuck in. Fortunately, being the nice guy that I am, I am going to share with you some of the most valuable advice I found because I feel your pain.

Tip #1 Make sure you let him know how you feel

This is very important guys. If you start doing this, it will save you a lot of time, money and heartache. So how do you do this? First of all, I’m not saying it has to be after the first date. It’s really up to you, but I’ll usually do it after the second or third date because after that you start to go from being attractive to being a friend. Now what do you say? What you should say is something like:

“{Girl Name Here} I’ve really had fun with you, but I wanted you to know that I like you more than a friend and I was hoping the feelings were mutual, but if they’re not, you need to let me know.”

This is a nice, not nasty way to let him know that you don’t just want to be his friend. Also and this is important! Don’t let me interrupt you! Some girls will start interrupting before you finish your sentence, but you can’t let them answer. Tell them to think about it for a day or two before making a decision.

Tip #2 Sexual tension

You may be staring at your computer screen right now wondering what the hell I’m talking about, but you heard me right. Sexual tension will greatly help you to please women sexually. Now how do you do this? Well, first of all, you have to touch her every time you tell her a joke or have an intimate conversation. You know why? Women are sensitive to touch, so when you touch her arm or hold her hand, she is more sexually attracted to you. This is a real help in getting you further out of that friend zone. So remember the next time you tell him a joke, touch his arm or something that will help you.

These are just a couple of tips that I have incorporated into my relationships and have had great results. Being in the friend zone sucks and it’s almost impossible to get that girl to have sex once you’re in it. That’s why I steer to the walk and make sure she knows what kind of relationship I want. Just don’t give up and don’t be afraid of what her response might be because at least you’ll know before you get into the relationship, right?

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