How to make money your servant

Money is the best servant and the worst master. There is nothing more true than the previous statement. Money can be a servant to Mr. A and a master to Mr. B; it all depends on how we handle it and the perspective from which we see it. Money is meant to be controlled and used wisely. I often find that it is the poor who generally make money their master because it is a bit scarce among them. The scope of this article is basically about how to make money with your servant; This is how to make money work for you, even when you’re asleep. First, I am going to give you some basic steps to create this money:

o Find a need to satisfy; Create value that people are willing to pay for.

o Put yourself in a position to satisfy the need

o Innovate ways to meet the need

With the aforementioned steps, money will always flow your way because wealth always flows in the direction of value. It is after this that we can start to think about how to make the money we get a payment or a reward for the value we are creating. You may be wondering, how does money really work for someone? The answer is not far-fetched; money works for you when you don’t have to be physically present in a place before you earn money or get paid. For example, I don’t have to be in the stock market when I get paid my dividends. The basic way to make money work for you is through investing. The money invested will always work for you now and in the future. There are several things you could invest your money in, for example:

or Actions


or Treasury bills

or Small businesses

o Real Estate Market o Real Estate

o Metals such as gold, silver, etc.

or crude oil

oForex Market


or and many others

When you invest, your money represents you and you do not have to be physically present to do the business you have invested in, but you earn returns on regularly agreed terms. It’s advisable; you invest if you intend to have great financial freedom. Making money work for you is like saving for rainy days. Everyone will definitely reach a point in the future when they are not physically strong enough to work for someone or themselves due to old age. In such periods, the main survival tool to stay alive would be the money that you have saved to work for yourself long before.

I strongly encourage you to start thinking about making money work for you, and in case you’re still contemplating ‘whether to start’ or ‘whether not to start’, here are some reasons why you should start now. Putting your money to work for you helps you:

o Prepare for retirement

o Establish an inheritance for your children’s children

o Provide for yourself when you are too sick or too old to go to work

o Do good without bitterness

o Be financially free

o Live beyond your salary and the profits of your business

The mindset that you have money somewhere working for you even frees you from some ties and gives you options at all times. In short, I said: create value to get money and invest the money you get.

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