How To Give A Woman An Orgasm – Without Touching! (Sex games to seduce and satisfy her)

Here are sex games to help your lady have a non-contact orgasm! Women who have had them report that they are very hot and intense. Check out these fun games!

1st Technique.

The first key to driving your lady crazy with sexuality is to get to her head. Once you get to her head, her body will follow. If you don’t do this, the experience will seem very dull and mundane. This is why only 30% of women have orgasms regularly.

Women who are forced or coerced into having sex do not enjoy it. It’s like sports or a job you enjoy. If you enjoy your work, you will do better.

It is easy to find a sex game that your lady likes because you can let her choose it. Every woman has an unfulfilled fantasy and you can tailor the sex game to that.

2nd Technique.

The second key to giving your woman great orgasms that are very intense and long is to tease her. A friend of mine had a guy who made fun of her in everything he did to her. Always make every sex game have a teasing look.

He first met her in a parking lot in Alaska. He told her that he would love to make her have great orgasms. He asked her if she could tell him in detail what she would do to him.

She said okay. So she took about 15 minutes, stopping at her hot spots, to describe what she would do.

3rd Technique.

The third key is to take your time. This man took five minutes to tell her how he would kiss her. The anticipation was totally unbelievable! Then she moved to her breasts and took another five minutes.

If it took that long just with the description, imagine how long it should take when you’re actually playing it. Don’t rush into any sex games.

4th Technique.

The last key is to give him combinations that short-circuit his body. This guy told her that he would kiss her breasts and he made it so real that she could feel it. She then told him that she would tease her clitoris at the same time.

This series of combined touches makes it so unusual that most women have not had the experience. This can work with or without touching.

You can use sex games to enhance any kind of sex. The contactless aspect is very good to prepare your woman at every stage. The better you are at turning her on, the more fun it will be for both of you.

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