How to fix Windows error 1408 quickly

Error 1408 in Windows is one of those incredibly annoying problems that continually shows up because your computer is unable to process the files or settings that are required to run a piece of software or run an installation for a program on your system. If you experience this error, it suggests that Windows has something wrong with your files, settings, options, or programs, and you should be able to fix the various problems you’re having by following the steps on this page.

This error will usually be displayed in this format:

Windows error code 1408: ‘ERROR_WINDOW_OF_OTHER_THREAD’

What causes the 1408 error?

This error originates from all sorts of areas of Windows, including the likes of your software, files, settings, or information that will prevent the file from being able to run. The causes of the error will generally include the following:

  • Your PC will have errors with the software you are using
  • Windows will have registry errors that prevent it from running
  • Windows will be outdated or damaged

How to fix error 1408

— Reinstall any programs causing the error: The first step is to reinstall any of the programs that will cause this error. We found that one of the biggest causes of problems for this particular issue will be the way in which Windows is unable to process the important options and settings that are required to help load the software. This can be done very easily by clicking on your PC’s Control Panel and then selecting “Add/Remove Programs”. From that list, click on the program that is causing the errors and remove it from your system.

— Update Windows: The next step is to update the Windows system itself. This is very easy to do and can be accomplished by clicking Start > All Programs > Windows Update and then selecting all updates on your PC.

— Clean up any registry errors: “Registry” is one of the main causes of error 1408, and it is basically a huge database within the Windows system, which stores important settings and options that allow your PC to access the files and settings it needs to function. You need to download a program called “Frontline Registry Cleaner”, install it and let it remove any of the problems that Windows may have inside, increasing the speed and efficiency of your system in the most effective way.

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