How to Build a Real Sprinkler System for Under $200

The main goal: get the greenest grass on the block

We all want a great looking lawn in the summer, right? The kind of patio that will have your next door neighbors wondering how you got that perfect green patio with little to no effort.

Throughout the spring and summer months is the perfect time to get the lawn you’ve always wanted. Getting that perfect green lawn will require you to spend the weekend around the house with a hose in hand, rather than enjoying the warm summer days and weekends off.

The usual solution: order a traditional sprinkler system (or hire a contractor)

In-ground sprinkler systems are definitely the way to go. They remove hoses and water from the car on cool days and really save a ton of water. In fact, many areas now have strict rules about water use, requiring you to conserve water by simply allowing you to water on specific days and times.

The real problem with in-ground irrigation systems is that they are extremely expensive to install and are not easy to maintain or repair. So what is the best irrigation alternative?

A DIY Approach: Install Sprinklers Your Own

Fortunately, there are many excellent sprinkler system alternatives. Not only are they cheaper to install, many allow you to do the entire installation process yourself without destroying your yard.

One feature to look for in a sprinkler system is installation depth requirements. There are several system designs that allow it to be installed transparently in your lawn or slightly below ground level. Unlike standard in-ground sprinklers that require an installation depth of 18″ or more, these alternatives require no trench digging prior to beginning your project.

Also look for full 360 degree spray sprinkler heads, enough sprinkler conduit and accessories to complete the project. Many DIY sprinkler manufacturers have everything you need in a kit. Many allow you to purchase the system without heads. If you want to add your own sprinkler head, choose a rotor or similar style head that offers maximum coverage.

Several sprinkler sites now include spray templates and grid sheets that will make it easy for you to estimate the cost of your job. Also, if you need help designing your sprinkler system, just ask. Many of them offer drawing services to help you with your design.

Keeping your yard perfectly green can be easily accomplished with a sprinkler system that you can install on your own. Enjoy your entire summer season instead of relocating sprinklers and hoses every day. With a sprinkler system, the watering process quickly saves you time.

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