How not to be jealous of your friend

Friendship is one of the most beautiful bonds one can have. If you are blessed with beautiful friends in your life, you should try to be happy that you have them. There are too many good things in our lives and friendship is one of those bonds that is meant to give you the strength to hold on in times of need.

Are you jealous of your friend?

Some people tend to be jealous of their friends because watching them grow in popularity can make you uneasy. This is absolutely wrong because friendship is one of those ties that is based on trust rather than envy.

If you envy your friend, it means that you don’t really love the person and the bond will lose its glory, shine and shine.

Love unconditionally without expectations

It is important to love your friend without expecting anything in return. When you do, it will give you immense happiness and your heart will blossom. Love and friendship coincide a lot and both ties are destined to be based on disinterested emotions. The moment you start having a give and take relationship, the bond of true friendship will come into existence.

When you love someone unconditionally, you will never be jealous of what they have achieved. On the contrary, you will appreciate their success story and swell with pride.

You win, when they win

When you have some of the best friends in your life, you will never feel lost in your life. Every time they win, you would too. The best friends are those who revel in each other’s victories. Jealousy and envy are two of those emotions that have no place at all in the bond of friendship. You can never envy your friends because all you feel for them is the bliss of love and the happiness of being together. Friendship is believed to be a bond that gives people the strength to believe in happy times and a beautiful tomorrow. The mere fact of knowing that your friend is doing well will fill you with happiness and you will rejoice in the goodness that life has.

So if you are envious of your friend, it simply means that the bond has rusted and you are no longer a friend. Friendship is one of the purest forms of love.

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