Hot kiss, sexy kiss, love kiss – it’s time to kiss!

Let’s look at some of the best kissing techniques:

1. The Beginner’s Kiss: In this sexy kiss, your lips gently caress and brush against her lips. As you kiss this way, you should relax and move your lips around her mouth. Floating and zeroing is the key in this hot, intimate kiss.

2. The Butterfly Kiss: In this hot kiss, gently brush your lips across your lover’s eyelids, chin, cheeks, and neck. Move the tip of her lips, breezing in feathery strokes around her body, her breasts, nipples, thighs, navel, etc. This is the butterfly kiss. You can also use the two techniques above, the beginner’s kiss and the butterfly kiss, to initiate a technique known as eastern swirl and thrust, where your lips rotate and push the erogenous zones.

3. The Droplet – This is a kinky kiss that prevails when you kiss her passionately. In this hot kiss form, you have to slowly remove your lips from her and drop a few drops of your saliva into her mouth.

4. French kiss: In the most popular form of kiss in the world, the guy has to kiss the girl with his mouth open. Here the tongue probes and circles the inside of her mouth, exploring the woman’s mouth in its entirety.

5. The medieval necklace-One of the most seductive of all kisses. It was a technique used by gentlemen to kiss their women who wore low-necked suits. In this sexy kiss form, kiss the girl by circling around her neck in a series of sexy kisses, traveling from behind her ear, around the area at or near the cleavage, and then back to the region behind her. the other ear. What a necklace kiss!

6. The Lush lap: This is a sexy form of tongue kiss. Part your lips and keep your tongue steady and slide your tongue towards the desired area of ​​your body or your lips.

7. Lover’s Pass: it’s all about mixing eroticism and food. Hold food with sensual meaning such as strawberry, chocolate, ice cream, etc. in his mouth. Let your mouth come closer, with your tongue touching the food. As her mouth opens, she gently drops the sexy fruit into her expectant mouth.

8. The Gliding Kiss: The lover’s pass graduates to the Gliding Kiss. Here you use your tongue to push hers, sharing erotic food like strawberry, chocolate sauce, etc.

9. The Stretch: This hot and sexy kiss is another extension of the French kiss. Stretch or lengthen your tongue to rub the roof of your woman’s mouth. This is an area that people don’t focus on much, but it can give the person being kissed incredible pleasure.

10. The Mediterranean Flick: One of the sexiest kisses in history, it has a Latino birth. The Mediterranean Flick is all about gently sliding your tongue, in teasing little circles around the labia, neck, nipples, belly button and clitoris of a woman’s body. A personal favorite, this hot and sexy kiss is sure to make a woman arch her hips and let out a sexy moan.

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