Home remedies to get rid of fleas

Fleas are the worst enemy your cat can have. He scratches vigorously, bites his skin, and ingests the fleas that turn into tapeworms, and his anxiety skyrockets. Fleas cause vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, hair loss, and weight loss. Cats are warm-blooded and fleas need warmth and humidity to survive.

So they install a housing under your cat’s fur to suck its blood and then more fleas multiply. There are literally hundreds of fleas crawling on your cat’s fur and continuously biting. Fleas are worst in humid climates and can survive year-round. Home remedies to get rid of fleas are a safe and healthy approach for your pet, your family, your lawn, and your home. Fleas cause serious problems for your cat if you don’t take care of them.

There are several different vials on the market, but they are loaded with pesticides. The pesticides in the vials can cause serious side effects and organ problems. Some brands burn the skin and cause inflammation and infection. Apply Aloe Vera Gel to the affected area and Triple Antibiotic Ointment twice a day until healed. Give your cat half the adult dose of colloidal silver in a syringe twice a day for 5-7 days.

You may also notice scratches and scabs on your cat caused by all the itching. Aloe Vera will soothe the affected area and your cat will heal in no time. There are natural products that are safe for your cat and your home, such as cedar oil. It is available as a spray from Natural Wonder.

Spray your pet with it, then run a flea comb to spread it out and repeat if necessary. You will also need to rid your home of fleas. Vacuum carpet and furniture, sprinkle borax on carpet and furniture, grind and lay.

The borax will kill the fleas by dehydrating them. Make sure to cover the cracks and crevices. Wash all bedding and spray cedar oil on the pet’s area. To treat your lawn, you will need a stronger dilution of cedar oil than is available at your local seed and food store. Spray your patio, garden, and around the perimeters of your home. Keeping the exterior treated helps keep fleas out of your home.

Natural home remedies to get rid of fleas are the safest way to treat your cat. Her coat will start to look a lot better and she will feel great.

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