home based business challenges

What are some of the biggest challenges of your home based business? Is it hard for you to stay focused? Are you trying to figure out how to do sales and marketing? Struggling with administrative tasks? Let’s talk about it.

I have been operating a home business since 2000 and my home business challenges have spanned a wide range of areas.

Like everyone, I struggled with how to market my business effectively (especially when I was new). I was constantly struggling to find new marketing ideas, generate more leads, and simply reach more leads.

Another big problem was that I struggled to maintain any kind of work-life balance. The number of times he would work through the night to catch the morning sun became too much to count. To this day, I believe that “balance” is a myth. We always lean to one side or the other as our priorities change. At first, it was about getting the business moving. The focus then shifted to building memories, coaching basketball, making sure my wife and I had our weekly date night, etc.

Big one: I struggled with tax planning and accounting. (Hint: Hire a CPA early in the process.)

As the years went by, I got better at generating leads, following up, and closing sales. I learned to better manage my time and be more productive. I was able to build my business from home and really enjoy the freedom it gave me.

Fast-forwarding almost 20 years, my biggest home-based business challenges have more to do with my social life.

My children are adults and have moved. My wife passed away in 2013. I spend more time alone than I have in many years, and it’s a strange feeling, to say the least. I don’t mean to imply that this is a “woe is me” post. I have plenty of opportunities to meet up with friends. I play a lot of music on the weekends and really enjoy my life.

Life is just different now. Before, while building my business from home, I was constantly interacting with my wife and children. These days, I find myself sitting alone working quite a bit.

Before, I was often able to get up from my desk and talk to my wife or kids. These days, I just look around and think, “Well… I guess I could read another article on SEO or watch a video on content development.”

I love what I do for a living. I really miss the social interaction that came with having a house full of Rooney.

Maybe it’s time to create or find a local networking group for people like me who need more social interaction with other home based business professionals.

I’ll have to think about that.

What are some of the challenges of your own home based business? Share your thoughts and questions here. We could have a great conversation together!

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