Going Mobile – How Online Fax Services Have Changed the Workplace

In these days of smartphones and iPads, mobility is a given, even for the modern workplace. More and more companies and employees are taking their work with them, no matter where they go. This portability and flexibility has really changed the way many businesses are run, opening up a whole new range of opportunities.

Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to online fax programs and virtual PBX. These relatively new forms of “cloud computing” have revolutionized the modern workplace just as computers did several decades ago. These programs make all your communications not only portable, but it also means that your company or business is accessible from anywhere in the world, as long as you are connected to the Internet.

Keep in mind that online faxing simply uses a web connection and your email system to send and receive all of your faxes. This is a web-based program that converts your messages into an email attachment so you can receive them on your computer. But that’s not the whole picture, you have to remember that with these services you can still send a fax to a traditional fax machine, your online provider acts on your behalf to handle all your messages.

Going with an online fax service or virtual PBX system will give you great flexibility, especially when it comes to “where” and “when” you do your work. For those workers who travel a lot or work from home, online faxing is a godsend. It will free your company from the confines of an office and regular office hours.

Now, if your company or business relies on faxing to attract new sales and customers, one can easily see how important “24/7” access will be to your overall success. Mainly because it means that your company is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Another important driving force behind these new services is low cost or price. Going with an online fax service or even a full virtual PBX system where fax is just one component is very cost effective. Since everything is outsourced, your start-up costs are next to nothing and ongoing expenses are much cheaper than running a conventional fax office or system. Also, being a paperless system, you won’t have to pay for those inks, toners and papers.

For an online fax service, charges typically range from $8 to $10 per month, but there are cheaper rates, so it’s worth shopping around, especially if your faxing needs are minimal. You’ll have to pay more for international faxes, but you’ll still save money because you don’t need a dedicated fax phone line.

But the story does not end there, these services also digitize all your messages and connect them to your computers. This electronic integration has truly changed the way your office and business are run: all your communications can be easily stored and archived online or on your computer. This means that all of your business communications can be easily accessed from anywhere at any time. In fact, this has revolutionized the modern workplace.

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