God is everywhere, and God is fine, whatever happens

If the devil is in every negative situation and in every reality that temporarily slides us, God is in every positive situation and he is doing very well. That is the great news. Sure, I can give you a long spiel about how “powerful the devil is” and say that the nuclear button will be pressed and everything will stop, but this is not that. No matter how the world, the universe, and existence may shake for a moment, the positive force of existence or God always puts it back to work. Sure, I could complain in this article, but enough people do that on news shows, newspapers, commentaries, and the like. I’m just going to extol and understand the positive virtues of reality and existence in this.

A few years have passed since I first bought and read Napoleon Hill’s book “Outwitting the Devil”, but the concepts and idea of ​​reality and the forces of existence governed and elaborated by genuinely conscious forces have not left my mind. . . So here’s a little glimpse into my mind when I conversed with God before I finished this article:

God: So, you want to know, right?

I: Yes.

God: I am every genuinely winning situation that ever existed or has ever existed. Do you think the devil can do that?

I: No I do not.

God: Even singer Paul Simon said, “And the devil said my name, who do you think you’re kidding?” in his song “My Mother Loves Me (Like The Rock Of Ages)”. Why do you think I answer your prayers the way I do?

I: Because I really always know, without ceasing or giving up, that I am following the Winner, for many dinners, shows and wars that the devil has temporarily.

God: Good answer, but let me do better: no matter how funny the devil seems sometimes, the devil will always lose like that ridiculous Hank Ketchum Dennis quote, the threat you always use, “How come silly things seem so smart while are you doing that? “The devil will always lose because he is every negative situation that can put on a good show before sinking, remember the unsinkable bow ship Titanic?

I: Yes, I remember it very well, although not the real thing, but the movie. The devil in 1912 had those guys on deck entertaining people with violins while “the impossible” was happening, right in real life as well as on film?

God: Yes.

I: It might sound a bit like a “Donald Trump Boast Roast” here, but I’m doing it on the right side – I’ll stick with the winners no matter how great the show on the other side is because they always lose anyway.

God: You will, my faithful servant, you will. After all, it is like the ridiculous joke that the politician goes to hell that is always told. Tell your readers now before you finish:

There was a politician who had a near death experience. The politician took a real tour of heaven and hell during the experience. Heaven seemed dull to the politician, as it seemed that they were doing nothing but playing harps and doing God’s will there. In hell, there was a party on Earth with drugs, deals, “good times” and lots of sex. The devil even warned him that this was the campaign to get more “fools” and unenlightened people to come to hell. So, before the politician returned from the near-death experience, the politician told God: “I want to go to hell with the devil, heaven seems as boring as hell!” and then the politician returned to Earth to live the rest of his life, and when they died, there was nothing to do but sit in a shapeless dungeon. The politician asked where the party was and all the decorations: The devil said: “I warned you, that was the campaign to get you into hell, now you are in office here for eternity and this is what it means: nothing, absolutely any”. , you lost eternal happiness. You are nowhere. Sadly you lose. Goodbye. “The devil left him there with himself, with his wailing and his thoughts and with no way out of them. Since he died, there is no escape.

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