Function and benefit of potassium humate

There are many ways to have a greener lawn and a more productive yard. Adding soil supplements can help, but which ones are good to choose for overall benefits? Walk down any garden store aisle and anyone would be overwhelmed with all the soil additive options. The addition of potassium humate, or black gold as it is sometimes called, can make a world of difference, but what exactly is this product?

Potassium humate is produced by mining it from lignite or lignite and is used commercially as a soil conditioner. It is also used by average gardeners and landscapers to improve fruit and vegetable garden yields. It stimulates plant growth and by doing so will increase seed germination. Potassium humate, which is made from decaying ancient plant life that has released humic acid, will act as a growth stimulator. It also acts as a shock absorber in difficult underfoot conditions. Most of the problems in agriculture are due to low levels of humic acid in the soil.

Using this prevents dry patches on the soil and therefore less fertilizer is needed. The benefits can be seen even with just one application. Each additional use will increase the health and vitality of the grass and trees. This makes plants and lawns greener and more drought tolerant. Adding this to the soil will increase soil microbes and buffer ph changes and salts from harsh fertilizers. This will improve yields by initiating stronger root development. It will not harm plants and is safe to use on vegetables and fruits. In addition, it can be applied to any type of soil condition with greater benefits. Unfortunately, this cannot always be said of other fertilizers that can burn the delicate structures of some plants.

Fertilizers containing humic acid promote greater nutrient uptake and suppress disease. The benefits of using this product is that you will not only have greener, healthier plants and trees, but they will also be tougher and more resistant to damage. It is quite easy to distribute this soil additive in your garden or patio. It does not have a strange smell associated with it, unlike manure fertilizers which can sometimes be very powerful. A healthy grove of fruit trees that produce abundant produce will be an attractive asset to any home. A healthy, deep green lawn will provide an added lushness to your outdoor activities at home. Using this addition to your lawn care will make a vital difference.

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