Friendship Day: Ten Ways to Celebrate August 5, 2007

Every year a holiday sneaks in on the first Sunday of August: International Friendship Day, a day set aside to honor friendships of any kind. International Friendship Day began in 1935, when the United States Congress declared it a national holiday. Since then, the celebrations have quietly spread around the world.

The lack of commercial popularity of International Friendship Day is a mystery. Although not as old as Mother’s Day (1870), the holiday predates the official Father’s Day by 30 years (1966). Maybe it’s the location of the event, in the heat of summer. Or the competition for attention with other August celebrations like National Catfish Month and National Foot Health Month?

But the day has passed quite unnoticed. We would never think of ignoring our moms and dads or their special days. Why shouldn’t we take advantage of this excuse to celebrate our friendships?

Here are ten tips for celebrating International Friendship Day on August 5, 2007:

1. Remember the algebra. Send or email an old photo to a friend from high school.

2. Reconnect with humanity. Give your headphones a rest for a whole day and recognize the people (friends and potential friends) around you, on your commute, in the office, in your living room, unplugging your iPod and other personal players.

3. Share the sweatshirt. Invite a friend for a walk or jog today.

4. don’t hit send. Call a friend on the phone who you would normally email and chat. If you’re in your office or area code, meet up for a cup of coffee or a walk.

5. Lose the face of the city. smile and say Hello gold Hey to every person you meet on your jog or walk today. (If you’re jogging through a busy city, stick to other runners and walkers…)

6. Dine and run. Invite your mom/sister/dad and their best friend over for lunch, pay the bill ahead of time, and leave them alone to catch up.

7. Make a new friend. Do you have a meeting today? Businesses, Weight Watchers, your kids’ swim meet? Invite someone you see at that meeting to meet again. Be sure to set a date, time, and location. do not settle sometimes.

8. As a-? day. honor you like-a mom/dad/grandpa friends today as if it were Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Grandparents Day. Visit, call or send a card or flowers.

9. Quarterly reviews. Send four dates to your circle of friends: one date in each of the next few quarters. Tell them to mark their calendars. As each date approaches, send them a place and time to have lunch, dinner, drinks… No need to host or make any complicated plans. Just get together! (No excuses, you’re already on their calendars!)

10 Better luck next year. Mark International Friendship Day on your calendar and do it all over again. Make it an annual event to honor your friendships or make new ones.

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