Explore the world of mobile phone apps

We are quickly getting to the point where the most important medium people have is their wireless device. These devices are with them at every moment of the day. Today, mobile phones are not only used to make calls, send text messages, but have become the ‘portals’ that allow consumers to communicate, gather information, be entertained and organize themselves.

Mobile apps for various operating systems are very popular these days. They are available in various categories of business and professional, entertainment, security, lifestyle, health, travel and many others. They have changed the way people work, live and manage their lives, making it easier and more convenient for them.

According to a report, in modern companies more than 60% of employees use mobile phones for work, 20-40% use laptops and less than 20% use PDAs. As professionals become increasingly mobile, they require useful applications like eWorks Pro, Documents To Go, and Agendus to stay in touch with their offices, colleagues, partners, and clients.

It was pointed out at one of the Google events that it is very important to understand users before creating mobile applications. Mobile users can be divided into three behavioral groups. The first group is the “repetitive now” user who searches for the same information over and over again, such as checking the same stock quotes or the weather. These users are primarily interested in subscription-based apps/services like “The Weather Channel” where information is constantly updated and easily accessible.

The second group of users is the category “boring now” who have enough free time. They include people on trains or waiting in airports or sitting in cafes. Mobile users in this behavior group are mostly looking for entertainment apps like FaceWarp, Bookworm, UltraIM Pro or a fun mix of games like Sudoku Gold, Digich Solitaire 4Pack and many others.

The third user group is “urgent now” and wants to find something specific quickly, like the location of a bakery or directions to the airport. This category includes all travel related applications like MobiTrack2007, Spb Traveler or VITO SmartMap that help travelers stay in touch while navigating to important destinations.

We cannot deny the fact that mobile applications have opened up a new world of possibilities in all areas of our lives, but they can only be useful if they satisfy the need desired by the consumer when and where it is required.

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