Essential oils can help relieve sciatica pain

Our nerves run through our body carrying information to the Nucleus centralis (central nervous system) and they also carry information via motor neurons. When there is impingement or disease anywhere along its course, pain (neuralgia) and inflammation (neuritis) can be present and this can lead to destruction of the nerve (neuropathy). Sciatica is a particularly painful inflammation of the sciatic nerve that runs down the leg from the sacral area.

There can be many causes of sciatica, including lumbar disc disease, bone invasion, and nerve inflammation caused by a viral infection – shingles. Nerve irritation can also be caused by damage to the discs between the vertebrae. Damage to the disc can come from a simple “wear” of the outer ring of the disc or from traumatic injury, or both.

As a result, the softer central part of the disc ruptures or herniates through the outer rim of the disc and can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. This break is what causes the commonly recognized “sciatica” pain that shoots down the leg. Sciatica may be preceded by a history of localized low back pain, or it may follow a “popping” sensation and be accompanied by numbness and tingling.

The pain usually increases with movements of the waist and may increase when coughing or sneezing. In more severe cases, sciatica may be accompanied by incontinence of the bladder and/or bowels.

Western Medicine Treatments range from medical management to surgery. With unremitting pain, severe impairment of function, or incontinence (which may indicate irritation of the spinal cord), surgery may be necessary.

Essential oils can help with sciatic pain

When there is pressure and pain, the person may not be able to stand up or walk upright, and the pain may be excruciating. Various essential oils can help relieve pain and irritation, decrease swelling and inflammation, and give your back time to heal. Essential oils can detoxify, relax, and decrease inflammation in muscle tissue. A muscle responds to pain with a reflex contraction.

This causes blood flow to the area to be impeded. Less oxygen and glucose and decreased circulation means that the elimination of toxins and waste products slows down. The results are inflammation, muscle soreness, and pain.

o Helichrysum, mint, nutmeg, thyme, spruce, wintergreen/birch, basil, rosemary, cloves, tarragon.

o Blends-Aroma Siez, PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma Life

o Hot-compress if there is no inflammation; cold if there is inflammation, 1-2 times a day as needed.

o Specifically for Muscle-basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Relieve It, PanAway

o Specifically for spasms-Aroma Siez with Ortho Ease or Ortho Sport massage oils

o Topically, dilute 50-50, 6-10 drops on site twice daily or as needed

o Water drop technique 2-3 times a week in acute situations and 2-3 times a month in chronic conditions. (The raindrop technique uses 9 essential oils “feathered” down the spine with a light touch)

I have found helichrysum followed by peppermint to be particularly helpful in relieving sciatica pain. Another essential oil that I highly recommend is Palo Santo (which means “sacred wood”). This oil comes from South America and has analgesic qualities and anti-inflammatory properties.

This oil has high levels of limonene, up to 65%, making it an excellent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic oil. It has been used to heal fractures and get people out of wheelchairs. Using a combination of palo santo and frankincense for pain and bone rejuvenation (including Idaho balsam fir) will shorten recovery time.

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