Do Fat Burners Work for Weight Loss?

Weight loss aids known as fat burners have become quite popular in recent years, especially among bodybuilders and those on weight training programs. These products, which come in a variety of forms, claim to boost your metabolism and convert stored body fat into energy.

There are natural and synthetic fat burners. Liquid, topical, and pill forms are also available, all claiming to turn your body into a calorie-burning furnace. If they literally melt away fat, as they promise, why are so many Americans still overweight?

The answer is complex. Not all products are of the same quality.

The most popular of these products are thermogenic in nature and formulated to mimic what happens to your body when you exercise. By raising your body temperature, you speed up your metabolism and burn more calories.

They help promote lipolysis in the body, which is the breakdown of body fat to be used for energy. Natural hormones trigger the anabolic and catabolic reactions necessary to build muscle from amino acids and proteins, and to break down food.

Because one of the main ingredients is caffeine, these thermogenetic products also stimulate your body’s central nervous system. Some people cannot tolerate the feeling of jitters and hyperactivity that comes with the use of such stimulants.

Others argue that this is one of the reasons these products work. The reason is that if you have more energy, your training time will be more consistent and your performance will increase. Therefore, more calories will be burned and you will lose kilos.

Because certain ingredients in many of these products suppress your appetite, you may eat less and therefore consume fewer calories. For some people, cravings may be reduced or go away altogether. When your caloric intake is less than what you are burning during your workout, you will lose weight.

Other topical products are lotions, gels, or creams that are applied to the stomach, thighs, or other trouble spots. They claim, if used correctly, that they will dissolve fat under the skin. Many experts agree, however these claims do not have strong evidence.

To work, fat burners must be used responsibly and in conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle. While reports of successful weight loss can be found, some experts say similar results can be achieved with diet and regular exercise.

Side effects have been reported with some of these products, and it’s a good idea to do your homework and check with your doctor before starting any new weight loss program or product.

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