Divided we fail

The latest DNC ​​debate just showed how selfish each candidate really is. The only one who stood his ground against the onslaught of Shmere tactics was Senator Sanders. Everyone else’s egos portrayed them as very self-centered and selfish people. It was quite obvious that they don’t care about people but themselves. While many attack Senator Sanders as a socialist, we must remember that all but a few countries have capitalism integrated with socialism. This is something that Bloomberg and the rest of the candidates on that stage cannot understand. When you’re at work that’s capitalism and when you retire and get Social Security that’s socialism.

It is very clear what these candidates are really about. And that debate in South Carolina proved it. The direct antagonism, animosity and hostility towards Senator Sanders showed again that they are very hostile and fear that if Senator Sanders is elected they will lose status in the current status quo. As Senator Sanders reiterated, the status quo has only benefited the top 1%.

One can’t help but think back to 1996 when the Republican Party rallied behind one person, Senator Bob Dole. There were really no fights between other candidates. A unity of purpose prevailed within the Republican Party at the time. Today, the DNC has allowed these candidates to demonstrate that the party is anything but united. And that debate highlighted deep internal animosity and division. Instead of uniting over Senator Sanders, they have divided the Democratic Party to the point where it would be almost impossible to defeat Trump this November. And with Senator Warren and others vowing to stay the course to undermine the Democratic Party and continue to further divide deep internal divisions again, it only shows that they are more interested in themselves rather than rallying in unity in support of the one candidate they could unify the nation. .

What the DNC is doing like they did 4 years ago by sabotaging Senator Sanders. They are deliberately ensuring that our elections are designed to ensure more rule by the oligarchy by the super elite. If the public cannot realize what is really happening in our elections that we hold so dear, then we are doomed to suffer the consequences of more corruption in our democratic process. When people get so complacent and get used to a certain way of doing things, especially our older adults, they become very suspicious of anyone trying to change their lives. Essentially, they are afraid of change or any disturbance to the status quo. What they don’t realize and what we don’t really understand is that certain changes become necessary over time to bring progress, prosperity, security and stability to our daily lives.

Do we need to remind everyone that the status quo today has only perpetuated the elite of the ruling class and the rest of the 1%. If we cannot or will not accept what is really happening to our political process today, it shows that we have become too gullible for the continued lure of wealth and power. If we take the time to really educate ourselves, we would understand what Senator Sanders is trying to do for every American. Paraphrasing a Bob Dylan song and a Bernie Sanders, add “Times are a-changin’.” Let’s make these changes a reality.

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