Different types of kitchen tables for every need

In recent years, as many kitchen designs have emerged, the furniture found in them has also been changing, specifically the tables. Tables are a staple for kitchens around the world and much has been done to improve them. If you’re considering a new kitchen table for your kitchen, here’s a quick guide to the different types out there.

1. Common in the kitchen.

These pieces are the ones commonly found in kitchens everywhere. These are the usual kitchen tables found in most homes and larger spaces. These tables are relatively larger and require a large amount of space. They can function as places for food preparation or even as a dining table.

2. Small and compact.

These pieces are specifically designed for small kitchens. These tables are fully functional but save space. Many of these tables serve as small kitchen dining tables or as substitutes or extensions to kitchen counters. Most of these tables can be circular or square in shape. These kitchen tables are perfect for those who live in small spaces like apartments or condos. They can also serve as small accents in the kitchen area.

3. Space saving types.

This furniture is one of the most modern, as it is designed specifically for life in compact cities. Apart from their purpose, their designs add a lot of interest and uniqueness to the kitchen. Commonly found in condominiums, the types of tables that save space are those that are attached to the walls with hinges. They can be lifted off the wall and secured with bolts or padlocks and removed when not in use. Other older types of space savers include extendable tables that have a part that, when picked up and locked in place, serves as an extension to the main table. These kitchen tables can double as kitchen counters or dining areas.

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